Initial Participation Opportunities for 2022 ARIN Election Cycle Announced [Archived]


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Posted: Tuesday, 07 June 2022

The arrival of summer means it’s the beginning of the 2022 ARIN Election cycle! And as always, everything starts with participation from our community.

Nomination Committee Volunteers Needed

To kick off election season, the Nomination Committee (NomCom) is seeking five volunteers from the community to serve on the committee and assist with recruiting candidates and assessing the qualifications of nominees for the open seats on the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council. This year, the NomCom is moving toward a staggered two-year term model, and NomCom appointees will be eligible to serve either a one- or two-year term.

Volunteers for the committee must be from an ARIN General Member organization in Good Standing and may not be a candidate for a seat in an ARIN Election in the same year. Chosen representatives may include up to two actively-serving Advisory Council members.

To learn more about the committee’s role and responsibilities, please review the Charter for the NomCom:

If you’re interested in volunteering for the NomCom, please complete this brief questionnaire no later than 7:00 PM ET on Friday, 17 June:

Community Input on Nominee Questionnaires

In advance of the opening of nominations on 24 June 2022, the Trustee members of the NomCom ask for your input regarding this year’s nominee questionnaires for the Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, and NRO Number Council. This is your chance to let the NomCom know what questions you would like to see posed to nominees. The answers from the nominees will assist the NomCom in assessing the qualifications of individuals; responses will also be available for community evaluation when the slate of candidates is posted later this year.

If you have specific questions or general themes/challenges facing ARIN that you’d like nominees to respond to, please submit your suggestions for consideration no later than 7:00 PM ET on Friday, 17 June at:

You may submit suggested nominee questions for any or all of the 2022 elections, and multiple suggestions per type of election are allowed. Examples of the questionnaires are available:

To determine the final list and phrasing of all candidate nominee questions, the ARIN Board of Trustees will also be approving a base set of questions to be completed by Board and AC nominees, and ARIN’s Executive team will review all submissions for the NRO NC. The NomCom will review all questionnaire suggestions for the Board and AC, and may propose additional questions to be added to the questionnaire but may not alter or revoke the Board-approved questions.

ARIN and the NomCom greatly value feedback from the community and look forward to your participation in these activities, as well as the rest of the 2022 Election process ahead!

If you have specific questions or need to request additional information, please contact [email protected].


Jason Byrne
Senior Customer Success Analyst
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)


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