Top Ten Reasons Why You Would Benefit from ARIN’s Fellowship Program [Archived]


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Posted: Thursday, 11 August 2022

Words Used to Describe the ARIN Fellowship Program

If you’d like to learn more about Internet number resource policy development, ARIN’s Policy Development Process, or Internet governance, then you should apply to ARIN’s Fellowship Program now through the application deadline of Wednesday, 17 August 2022. The Fellowship Program is an exciting opportunity no matter what stage of career you are in.

A mentor from the ARIN community will guide you through four virtual sessions, held between 27 September and 25 October, in preparation for the ARIN 50 Public Policy and Members Meeting.

Curious to know why you should apply? Take it from the past virtual Fellows! Here are their top 10 takeaways from participating in the program:

  1. “The sessions were very informative and provided me with a clearer understanding of some policies governing the management of Internet number policy and resource policy development.”
  2. “The ARIN Fellowship Program enabled me to get involved in the community and share my input. Thanks to my Mentor, I confidently started a discussion on PPML which elicited an active and enlightening dialogue, shaping future policy approaches.”
  3. “ARIN is a community of like-minded individuals … friendly, smart and focused on technological advances and empowering everyone.”
  4. “It was quite pleasant to see such a focus on open dialogue and transparency, which are vital for real progress to happen in any field.”
  5. “I completed the Fellowship with much more knowledge of ARIN, the community, the policy areas, and the issues which impact the industry.”
  6. “The virtual format afforded me the flexibility to still maintain my professional duties and responsibilities while still being able to balance the commitments of the Fellowship.”
  7. “The ARIN Fellowship is a great program for anyone who is willing to challenge themselves to learn about Internet topics from registry to Internet protocol, and understand the policy development that can impact Internet users around the world.”
  8. “My expectations as a newcomer were to understand more about how ARIN policies affect the average business and end-user. This was certainly achieved. During the policy discussions, I got to hear from my peers and get clarity on the pros and cons of a lot of the proposed policies.”
  9. “The content and program layout were well organized and executed so that Fellows learned a lot during the sessions.”
  10. “I found the mentoring element to be extremely useful and a critical part of the program. Mentoring provided that extra opportunity to learn more and it provided the guidance and advice that were required.”

Individuals who are 18 years of age or older, have a demonstrated interest in the ARIN community and its policy development process, and reside in the ARIN region are eligible to apply. Special consideration will be given to those new to their organization who have never attended an ARIN meeting before.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about ARIN and becoming a part of an active, involved, and committed community, then ARIN looks forward to receiving your Fellowship application. For any additional questions, please email [email protected].

To apply now to the ARIN 50 Fellowship Program, visit the following link:

For more information about the program, please visit:


Amanda Gauldin
Community Programs Manager
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)


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