Nomination Committee Volunteers Needed

Posted: Monday, 22 April 2024

ARIN is seeking volunteers to serve on the Nomination Committee (NomCom) to help recruit candidates for the Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, and Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC). Terms for the NomCom are two years.

The current members of the Nomination Committee are:

  • Hank Kilmer (Chair)
  • Tina Morris, Trustee
  • Andrew Gallo, General Member representative
  • Brian Jones, General Member representative and Advisory Council member

Volunteers must be from an ARIN General Member organization in Good Standing and may not be a candidate in an ARIN Election while serving on the committee. Chosen representatives may include at least one and up to two actively serving Advisory Council members.

To learn more about the committee’s role and responsibilities, please review the Charter for the NomCom . If you are interested in volunteering, please complete this brief questionnaire no later than 7:00 PM ET on Monday, 6 May at

Volunteer Now!

If you have questions regarding this volunteer opportunity or the 2024 ARIN Elections, please contact [email protected].


Jason Byrne
Senior Customer Success Analyst American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)