NOW CLOSED – Consultation on ARIN Online Change Notifications
Posted: Monday, 16 September 2024
From 26 August to 9 September, ARIN conducted a consultation to gather community feedback on potential options for implementing change notifications for resource holders in ARIN Online. The two options presented were email notifications or the creation of a REST endpoint.
Based on the feedback received, there was strong support for implementing email notifications as the initial and most broadly useful option for ARIN customers. Email was favored due to its ease of adoption, integration capabilities with existing systems, and practicality for organizations of all sizes. While there was recognition of the potential benefits of a REST endpoint for larger organizations with more advanced needs, the consensus was that this option could be considered in a future phase after the successful deployment of email notifications.
After carefully reviewing and discussing the comments received, ARIN plans to prioritize the development of email notifications for ARIN Online changes, including flexible options such as per-Point of Contact (POC) and per-organization configuration, the ability to specify alternate email addresses, and potential use of X-Headers to improve filtering and processing.
John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
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