Webinar — Enhance Your Routing Security using ARIN Hosted RPKI

7 September 2022

Location: Online
Category: ARIN Hosted Events, Training
Event Website: https://arin.swoogo.com/RPKI101Sept2022

Enhance Your Routing Security using ARIN’s Hosted RPKI

You’ve been hearing about RPKI and how it can help enhance your network security, but what is it and what is it all about? Would you like to learn about the components of RPKI, how it works, and important considerations? Get started with the steps to use ARIN’s hosted RPKI including understanding key pairs and ROA creation. Then use the provided step-by-step video after the event to get those first ROA’s created.

In this webinar, participants will:

  • Gain a clear understanding of RPKI and its purpose
  • Identify the key components of RPKI infrastructure
  • Use the prescribed steps to successfully create a ROA in ARIN’s hosted RPKI
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