ACSP Suggestion 2011.20: ACSP Mailing List
Author: Mike Joseph
Submitted On: 13 April 2011
The ACSP is a welcome opportunity for ARIN membership to influence ARIN behavior in ways other than just the PDP. I recognize that if a suggestion requires additional consultation, ARIN will seek it from the arin-consult mailing list.
However, I believe that it would benefit the community to have some visibility into the suggestions as they are received and evaluated. Therefore, I propose that as soon as a suggestion is verified to be valid, it is posted to an ARIN mailing list. I also suggest that any decision or update from ARIN about the suggestion be posted to the list as well (preferably on the same thread).
I have no particular preference for which mailing list to use, whether it be an existing one or a new one created for this purpose. I’m sure ARIN staff can figure out the most appropriate solution for that.
Timeframe: Immediate
Status: Closed Updated: 28 June 2011
Tracking Information
ARIN Comment
02 May 2011
Your suggestion that the community needs visibility into the suggestions as they are received and evaluated is clear. Currently we post all suggestions on the website as they come in and then we post any ARIN action on it. The web page is available here: Currently, there is no direct notification to the community when a suggestion is received or updated.
Before moving to create a mailing list, we would like to know if your intent is that ARIN allow/encourage community discussion on each suggestion? If so, what is your expectation of ARIN staff with regard to such discussion? We feel the ARIN Consultation Process has fulfilled this purpose for suggestions where either ARIN staff needed further guidance or where the suggestion required significant effort and we needed to determine if there was sufficient interest or demand. We do not wish to replace the consultation process with a mailing list.
If your desire is just a broadcast list to inform the community then we might be able to use an existing list or setup a different type of functionality.
Once we hear back from you we will further evaluate to determine the appropriate course of action.
Author Comment
13 May 2011
I don’t necessarily think that it is necessary for the mailing list in question allow or encourage debate on the suggestion. An announce-only type of list would be fine from my perspective. I’m mostly interested in allowing the community to follow what suggestions are being made and how ARIN is handling them, without having to regularly visit the suggestion web page.
Thank you,
ARIN Comment
28 June 2011
ARIN has created a new mailing list in response to your suggestion, [email protected]. This list is broadcast only, and will be used to notify the community of new suggestions received through the ACSP, as well as all resulting responses or actions on ARIN’s behalf.
We thank you for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process. This suggestion is now closed.