ACSP Suggestion 2011.21: ARIN Online User Interface


Author: Owen DeLong   
Submitted On: 28 April 2011


So: Officially, three suggestions:

  1. Immediately bring back resource request templates for the convenience of those of us who understand and liked them.

  2. Fix the deficiencies mentioned above in the ARIN on-line process.

  3. Spend some time having a good UI designer go through ARIN on-line with a fine-tooth comb and generally improve the over all user experience.


Per Mark Kosters:

Hi Owen

I have two suggestions for you. One is to create a ACSP to improve the
interaction. Another is to start a discussion on arin-tech-discuss as ARIN
engineers hang out there. I think opening it up for discussion would be a
good thing.

It is up to you.


From: Owen DeLong <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 12:08:07 -0700
To: Mark Kosters User <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: ARIN-20110425-X18134 Updated

This blows [ARIN On-Line resource requests compared to templates]

OK, so, we can’t do stuff with templates any more, that’s bad enough.

However, not getting real responses to tickets and having to click on a
URL to go review
the ticket history where the latest stuff shows up in the middle of the
web page presented
is even worse.



Timeframe: Immediate

Status: Closed   Updated: 05 March 2019

Tracking Information

ARIN Comment

16 May 2011

Given that ARIN Online is a new system, ARIN encourages feedback on suggestions and improvements to ARIN Online. We would like to take your suggestions to the community in order to ensure that ARIN Online meets a majority of our members needs. It is our intent to schedule a focus time at the next ARIN meeting to discuss various approaches to these issues. The staff will then use that input as a basis to develop requirements for future enhancements.

This suggestion will remain open until that time.

ARIN Comment

20 July 2011


During ARIN XXVIII in Philadelphia, there will be an ARIN Online Users Forum, during which this and several other ARIN Online-related suggestions will be discussed. We encourage you to attend and participate. Discussing ehancements with a larger audience will help us determine need and priority. In the meantime, when filling out requests that require a large amount of text, you may wish to save time by first putting that text into a file and attaching it to a ticket. This suggestion will remain open until resolved.

ARIN Comment

09 April 2012

ARIN is unable to provide an expected level of effort, as the project scope is undetermined at this time. Pending budget approval, ARIN plans to bring in a UI design consultant in 2013, and will seek further user experience input during the process.

ARIN Comment

12 April 2012

With regard to reinstating resource request templates, note that an estimate of staff effort is not currently available. Some discussion has taken place on the members-only arin-discuss list and is welcome on the open consult list.

ARIN Comment

24 January 2013

While suggestion 2012.21 remains open pending the implementation of changes from a user interface / usability assessment of the ARIN website, the specific issue of resource request templates is a duplicate of suggestion 2012.1. This was determined after discussion with Owen.

ARIN Comment

10 April 2018

The effort to satisfy this suggestion is currently part of our 2018 Work Plan. It will be closed upon completion.

ARIN Comment

05 March 2019

Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2011.21 upon confirmed receipt. On 2 March 2019, ARIN deployed a new website that is integrated with an improved ARIN Online user interface. Because this work has been completed, we are closing your suggestion. We will continue to make new user interface enhancements, over time, as we make future changes to services inside ARIN Online.

Thank you for your participation in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process.