ACSP Suggestion 2013.5: Provide WHOIS-RWS results in JSONP For Ease of 3rd-Party Application Development


Author: Colin Robinson   
Submitted On: 18 March 2013


WHOIS-RWS provides results in XML or JSON. Due to the same-origin policy, it is not possible for a client’s web browser to access WHOIS-RWS. Of course the server of the website that the client is visiting could act as a proxy between the client’s browser and WHOIS-RWS, but that is a waste of bandwidth.

If WHOIS-RWS could provide results in JSONP or set “Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *” to allow CORS, it would allow developers that depend on WHOIS-RWS to create easier and more efficient web applications.

Timeframe: Immediate

Status: Closed   Updated: 28 May 2014

Tracking Information

ARIN Comment

27 March 2013

ARIN believes your suggestion warrants further development and implementation. To that end, ARIN will go with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header setting to enable this functionality as it is the best standardized approach to providing these types of services.

We do not have a scheduled implementation at this time, but will keep this suggestion open until implemented.

ARIN Comment

26 September 2013

As part of the ARIN 32 ACSP Consultation: Open Suggestion Review and Project Prioritization Survey, we’re providing feedback and estimates on the predicted work involved. For this suggestion, the following is noted:

Estimated staff effort to implement: 1 person month, plus communications efforts.

For information about the consultation and how to participate in the survey, please see the 26 September 2013 announcement.

ARIN Comment

28 May 2014

The ARIN Engineering team has completed the work to enable Whois-RWS Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) using Access-Control-Allow-Origin header functionality. This enhancement is now in production. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact [email protected].

This suggestion will be closed.

Thank you for your suggestion.