ACSP Suggestion 2017.20: Quarterly Reporting of Travel Expenses
Author: Anonymous
Submitted On: 24 October 2017
Description: Can ARIN please provide quarterly reporting of the travel spending broken down by community/board/committee recipient so that the members can better see how their fees are bring used?
Value to Community: This visibility will help the community understand the value add/trade-off that ARIN gains and makes by providing outreach to other regions and influence whether or not we feel that this is a good use of our registration fees.
Timeframe: Not specified
Status: Closed Updated: 29 November 2017
Tracking Information
ARIN Comment
29 November 2017
Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2017.20 upon confirmed receipt, requesting a detailed quarterly reporting of the ARIN travel spending, so that the community can better understand the costs and value involved in providing outreach to other regions.
There are many reasons that ARIN staff, ARIN Board, and ARIN community members travel on behalf of ARIN, and there are also many members of the ARIN community who travel to Internet community events who are not on ARIN funding at the time but on behalf of their employer or other organizations.
To improve community visibility into ARINĀ¹s travel costs, starting in January ARIN will provide a quarterly report of ARIN-paid travel costs to significant Internet events. This report will include the date, event, city, and the total travel costs occurred by ARIN (i.e. all ARIN staff, Board, or community member travel included.)
We are closing your suggestion in anticipation of issuing the first report in 2018. Thank you for your participation in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process.