There are three types of ARIN Members: Service Members, General Members, and Trustee Members. Each membership status is based on certain eligibility requirements and has specific benefits.
Membership is not a requirement for attaining direct Internet number resources from ARIN, nor does it offer any advantage in doing so.
Membership is not a requirement for participation in discussions that are part of the Policy Development Process, submitting suggestions to the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process (ACSP), or generally participating in public consultations that are part of the ACSP.
Not sure what your organization’s member status is?
Check your status in your ARIN Online account. If your organization is currently eligible to request General Membership, you can access the General Member request form through the ACTIONS drop down menu.
General Membership Benefits
Voting in ARIN Elections
Only organizations that are General Members in Good Standing are eligible to vote in ARIN Elections for the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council, via an individual designated as the organization’s Voting Contact at least forty-five days before an election. In addition, General Members in Good Standing can also vote in elections for seats on the NRO Number Council, along with registered attendees of the fall NANOG and ARIN meetings.
General Members Mailing List
Subscription to the General Members Mailing List is available only to General Members, Trustees, and key ARIN staff, and is intended for the discussion of topics relating to the governance of ARIN.
General Member List
ARIN provides a list of all its General Members. If you would like your organization name to link to your website, please contact [email protected] and provide your organization name and the URL you wish to link to.
Member Responsibilities
As a service organization, ARIN places a premium on being responsive to the needs of the community. Our ability to respond is heavily impacted by the level of community participation in elections, meetings, and the policy process.
As the ARIN community evolves, we actively seek to diversify community involvement through our outreach and education activities. We rely on all our members to be “good citizens” by participating at the level they are able to, including voting in elections, attending meetings, and participating in the policy process, so we can continue to fulfill our mission.
Since voting in elections is one of the most important benefits of General Membership, this means that designating a Voting Contact and keeping that information up to date is a crucial responsibility of each ARIN General Member. Without updated Voting Contact information, a member organization loses the ability to vote in annual ARIN Elections, which shape the future of our community and the Internet itself.
All General Members must vote in ARIN Elections to maintain their status. Following the 2023 ARIN annual election and each election thereafter, General Members that did not cast a ballot* in any of the previous three ARIN elections will revert to Service Member status, and may reapply for General Membership at any time.
*Organizations may submit a blank ballot. Your participation in the election will still be recorded, and the organization will maintain General Member status.