Draft Policy ARIN-2022-8

Streamlining Section 11 Policy Language

Staff Understanding

This Draft Policy makes substantial revisions to NRPM Section 11. Experimental Internet Resource Allocations.

In addition to a 45% reduction in word count, the suggested changes appear to accomplish the problem statement task of “A revision to transform Section 11 into a collection of policies for experimental allocations serves to make the Section more easily digested by the reader, and a more functional reference for customers and ARIN staff during experimental allocation requests.”

Staff notes the following recommendations for shepherds:

  • Currently throughout Sec. 11 “allocates” and “allocation” are used generally, which may cause confusion with “allocation” as defined in the NRPM.

  • Section 11.1 - Recommending adding an “and” before the last criteria, if all items are required.

  • Section 11.4 – noting the current text ambiguity regarding when resources must be returned and recommending clarification.

  • Section 11.7 - staff recommends removing “the” from “existing the ARIN minimum allocation sizes” in Section 11.7.

Additionally, due to the nature of the changes, it is likely best presented to the community in a tracked form, as shared by the shepherds to the Public Policy Mailing List. Staff recommends inserting said reference into the Draft Policy itself, utilizing the Comments section.

Implementable as Written?


Impact on ARIN Registry Operations and Services:


Legal Review:

No material legal issue, however legal agrees with staff’s comment recommending further clarity.

Implementation Timeframe Estimate: Three months

Implementation Requirements:

  • Staff training
  • Updates to public documentation
  • Updates to internal procedures and guidelines

Proposal/Draft Policy Text Assessed: 26 October 2022