Draft Policy ARIN-2023-7

Clarification of NRPM Sections 4.5 and 6.11 Multiple Discrete Networks

Staff Understanding:

This policy corrects and reorganizes the numbered bullets in section 4.5 and 6.11 for clarity. Additional edits were made to include “Allocation”, reflecting ARIN’s deprecation of “Assignment”. This policy is editorial if relevant edits to the definition of Allocation in ARIN Draft Policy 2022-12: Direct Assignment Language Update are adopted as written (or a substantially similar version) and implemented.

Implementable as Written?: Yes

Impact on ARIN Registry Operations and Services: None

Legal Review: No material legal issue

Implementation Timeframe Estimate: 3 months

Implementation Requirements:

  • Updates to public documentation
  • Updates to internal procedures and guidelines

Proposal/Draft Policy Text Assessed: 19 December 2023