ARIN IRR-online User Guide

Note: As of 4 April 2022, users will no longer be able to create, update, or delete records in the ARIN-NONAUTH database, the email template entry method will no longer be available, and the ARIN-NONAUTH data stream will no longer be available in Near Real Time Mirroring (NRTM) or Whois Port 43. Please see our announcement for more information.


ARIN’s IRR is a searchable database of routing policy information for networks in the ARIN region. Objects in the IRR contain routing information in the specific format of Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL). ARIN Online provides a method to create IRR objects by entering information into a window in the graphical user interface (GUI), and the corresponding RPSL objects are created by the system. This method of managing IRR objects is referred to as IRR-online.

For users who need a programmatic interface to ARIN’s IRR, ARIN provides a RESTful API that allows you to create, update, and delete objects. This service provides a way to automate data entry of routing information. Visit the ARIN IRR RESTful API User Guide for more information.

To access IRR-online, log in to ARIN Online and choose Routing Security from the navigation menu. Then, select Manage IRR for the Org ID you wish to manage. You can choose the type of objects you want to add, edit, or delete using the navigation options at the top of the page:

  • route/route6: A route object specifies the IPv4 and a route6 object specifies the IPv6 address prefix and the ASN of the autonomous system from which the route originates.
  • as-set: This object defines a group of ASNs that are peers in the routing network and through which traffic can be routed. The as-set members can include ASNs as well as the names of other as-sets.
  • aut-num: This object specifies an ASN and its routing policies.
  • route-set: This object is a record that defines a group of IP address prefixes or other route-sets. Route sets are used in aut-num objects and other route-set objects. (A route-set is not a group of IRR database route objects.)

Note: IRR objects migrated from the IRR-email system cannot be edited in ARIN Online, but can be edited using REST commands. Visit the ARIN IRR RESTful API User Guide for more information.

IRR Permissions

Admin, Tech, and Routing POCs can manage IRR records. Resource POCs cannot manage IRR records.

Searching for IRR Routes

In the IRR route/route6 Objects page, route objects can be searched by selecting the ‘Search Route Objects’ button. Enter the prefix (for example, 2001:db8::/32) for the IP address range or an IP address in the range (for example, 2001:db8:e1fc:5f2d:c886:25cf:3995:7d18) and choose Search Routes. Wildcards are not accepted. You’ll receive a list of route or route6 objects with “source: ARIN” that contain that prefix or address.

Viewing route and route6 Objects

A route object specifies the IPv4 and a route6 object specifies the IPv6 address prefix and the ASN of the autonomous system from which the route originates. Choose route/route6 from the navigation bar to view a list of route and route6 objects that are associated with your user account. They are displayed by Org ID and organized within Org ID by prefix.

Select a prefix to view an individual route/route6 object. The object fields are described in the following table (some fields listed are optional, and some only apply to objects migrated from the IRR-email system).

route/route6 Fields
Field Name RPSL Field Name Definition
Prefix route or route6 The CIDR prefix of the route to be originated. Together with the origin: attribute, constitutes the primary key of the route object.
Origin origin The ASN from which the route originates.
Maintained By mnt-by The Org ID of the organization that configures (maintains) the IRR object and manages the IP address prefix that is specified in the route object. The system applies the RPSL prefix MNT-automatically.
Description descr Text entered to describe the route. This could be, for example, the organization name and mailing address, or physical location of the routing equipment.
Technical Contacts tech-c The Tech Point of Contact (POC) for the organization that is maintaining the object. The system automatically updates Technical Contacts when Tech POCs for the Org ID are added or removed.
Administrative Contact admin-c The Admin POC for the organization that is maintaining the object.
Member Of member-of This field lists any route-set objects which can include this Prefix. Those route-sets must also reference this object by listing the Org ID of the maintainer of this route/route6 object in the “Members by Reference” field. See the example following this table.
Remarks remarks Any additional information the creator of the objects wants to provide (this information will also be published in the IRR database).
Changed changed Specifies who submitted the update, and when the object was updated in YYYYMMDD format.
Source source The routing registry name (ARIN).
Created created Date and time the record was created in IRR-online.
Last Modified last-modified Date and time the record was last modified in IRR-online.

Creating a route/route6 Object

In the IRR route/route6 page, select Create Object. The object fields are described in the following table in the previous section. After entering the required information, review the object and choose Submit.

Fields in Create IRR route/route6 Object Window
Field Name RPSL Field Name Definition
Maintained By mnt-by Choose the Org ID of the organization that configures (maintains) the IRR object.
Prefix route or route6 The CIDR prefix of the route to be originated. Together with the origin: attribute, constitutes a primary key of the route object.
Origin origin The ASN from which the route originates.
Description descr Text entered to describe the route. This could be, for example, the organization name and mailing address, or physical location of the routing equipment.
Administrative Contact admin-c The Admin POC for the organization that is maintaining the object.
Technical Contacts tech-c The Tech Point of Contact (POC) for the organization that is maintaining the object. The system automatically updates Technical Contacts when Tech POCs for the Org ID are added or removed.
Member Of member-of This field lists route-set objects to which the prefix of this route/route6 object belongs. Those route-sets must also reference this route/route6 object by including the Org ID of the maintainer of the route/route6 object in the Members by Reference field. See the example following this table.
Remarks remarks Any additional information the creator of the objects wants to provide (this information will also be published in the IRR database).

route6 Example with member-of Reference

An example of a route6 object, with an associated route-set object, is provided here.

route6 Object Example (Text)

Route6: 2001:1840::/32
originAS: 65536
Descr: Tempe AZ hub
member-of: RS-TEMPE
This field indicates the route-set to which this IP address block belongs. The route-set referenced here must include the maintainer for this route6 object (MNT-DOCEXAMPLE) in its members-by-ref field.

Related route-set Object Example (Text)

route-set: RS-TEMPE
Descr: Tempe AZ address group
members-by-ref: MNT-EXAMPLECORP
This field indicates that the IP addresses of the route6 objects that belong to MNT-EXAMPLECORP are included in the route-set. For this example, route6 object 2001:1840::/32 would be included in route-set RS-TEMPE.

Viewing as-set Objects

The as-set object specifies a set of ASNs through which traffic can be routed. The members of the set can also include other as-set names. Choose as-set from the navigation bar to view a list of as-set objects associated with your user account.

Select the as-set name from the list to view information about that individual as-set. The object fields are described in the following table (some fields listed are optional).

as-set Fields
Field Name RPSL Field Name Definition
AS Set Name as-set A name you give to a group of ASNs. Begins with AS-.
Maintained By mnt-by The Org ID of the organization that configures (maintains) the IRR object and manages the ASNs that are specified in the as-set object. The system applies the RPSL prefix MNT- automatically.
Description descr Usually, a short description of the maintaining organization and location where this object is used.
Technical Contacts tech-c The Tech Point of Contact (POC) for the organization that is maintaining the object. The system automatically updates Technical Contacts when Tech POCs for the Org ID are added or removed.
Administrative Contact admin-c The Admin POC for the organization that is maintaining the object.
Remarks remarks Any additional information the creator of the objects wants to provide (this information will also be published in the IRR database).
Members members Members of this set of ASNs; can be a list of ASNs or as-sets.
Members by Reference members-by-ref The Org IDs, preceded by MNT-, whose aut-num objects can be included in this set. Those aut-num objects must themselves contain this as-set in their “Members of” field. See the example following this table. If this field contains “ANY,” any aut-num referring to the set (in its “Members of” field) will be included as a member of the set. If this field is left blank, the set is defined explicitly by the “members” field.
Changed changed Specifies who submitted the update, and when the object was updated in YYYYMMDD format.
Source source The routing registry name (ARIN).
Created created Date and time the record was created in IRR-online.
Last Modified last-modified Date and time the record was last modified in IRR-online.

Creating an as-set Object

In the IRR as-set Objects page, select Create Object from the navigation bar. The object fields are described in the following table. After entering the required information, review your entries and choose Submit.

Fields in Create IRR as-set Object Window
Field Name RPSL Field Name Definition
Maintained By mnt-by The Org ID of the organization that configures (maintains) the IRR object. The system applies the RPSL prefix MNT- automatically.
AS Set Name as-set A name you give to a group of ASNs and other as-sets. Begins with AS-, or with ASx:AS-, where x is your ASN; for example, AS-ARIZ-TRANSIT, AS10745:AS-CUSTOMERS.
Description descr Usually, a short description of the maintaining organization and location where this object is used.
Administrative Contact admin-c The Admin POC for the organization that is maintaining the object.
Technical Contacts tech-c The Tech Point of Contact (POC) for the organization that is maintaining the object. The system automatically updates Technical Contacts when Tech POCs for the Org ID are added or removed.
Members members Members of this set of ASNs; can be a list of ASNs or as-sets.
Members by Reference members-by-ref The Org IDs, preceded by MNT-, whose aut-num objects should be included in this set. Those aut-num objects must contain this as-set in their “Members of” field. See the example following this table. If you enter ANY, any aut-num referring to the set (in its “Members of” field) will be included as a member of the set. If this field is left blank, the set is defined explicitly by the “members” field.
Remarks remarks Any additional information the creator of the objects wants to provide (this information will also be published in the IRR database).

as-set Example with member-of Reference

as-set Object Example (Text)

Descr: Peers in AZ network
Remarks: This is an example.
This field indicates that aut-num objects maintained by the org MNT-EXAMPLEOTHERCORP should be included in this as-set. The aut-num objects must reference this as-set object (AS-EXAMPLE-ARIZ) in their member-of fields for this cross reference to work.

Related aut-num Objects Example (Text)

aut-num: AS65536
as-name: AS-ARIZ-NODE1
Descr: Example Corp LLC Arizona 1
member-of: AS-EXAMPLE-ARIZ
This field indicates that the aut-num is part of the AS-EXAMPLE-ARIZ as-set.*

aut-num: AS65537
as-name: AS-ARIZ-ROUTE2
Descr: Example Corp LLC Arizona 2
member-of: AS-EXAMPLE-ARIZ
This field indicates that the aut-num is part of the AS-EXAMPLE-ARIZ as-set.*

Viewing aut-num Objects

An aut-num object specifies an ASN and defines its routing policies using specified fields in the record. The object fields are described in the following table (some fields are optional).

aut-num Fields
Field Name RPSL Field Name Definition
ASN aut-num The ASN for the routing policy.
AS Name as-name An alphanumeric identifier for the aut-num object.
Description descr Usually, a short description of the maintaining organization and location where this object is used.
Maintained By mnt-by The Org ID of the organization to which the ASN specified in the IRR object is issued. The system applies the RPSL prefix MNT- automatically.
Member of member-of (Optional) The as-sets to which the object belongs. The as-sets that are listed also need to include the maintainer associated with this aut-num in their object record for the cross reference to work.
Administrative Contact admin-c The Admin POC for the organization that is maintaining the object.
Technical Contacts tech-c The Tech Point of Contact (POC) for the organization that is maintaining the object. The system automatically updates Technical Contacts when Tech POCs for the Org ID are added or removed.
Import import Indicates the ASNs of the peers from which your AS will receive routing information and describes the routing information you’ll accept. For example, you can configure your routing to import a set of routes from a specific ASN that matches a filter, such as an IPv4 address. You can also specify actions to set or modify route attributes (such as assigning a preference to a route). More information is available in Section 6.1 of RFC 2622. (The “mp-import” field extends this function for IPv6.)
Export export Describes export policies (for example, exporting or announcing a set of routes or routes that match a filter) to specified ASes. More information is available in Section 6.2 of RFC 2622. (The “mp-export” field extends this function for IPv6.)
Default default Specifies the default routing policy (for example, if the AS should default to another AS for routing and under which conditions, such as if a specific filter is matched). More information is available in Section 6.5 of RFC 2622. (The “mp-default” field extends this function for IPv6.)
MP Import mp-import Describes import policies as in the “import” field, but extends RPSL to allow “multi-protocol” routing policy. More information is available in Section 2.5 of RFC 4012.
MP Export mp-export Describes export policies as in the “export” field, but extends RPSL to allow “multi-protocol” routing policy. More information is available in Section 2.5 of RFC 4012.
MP Default mp-default Specifies the default routing policy as in the “default” field, but extends RPSL to allow “multi-protocol” routing policy. More information is available in Section 2.5 of RFC 4012.

Creating an aut-num Object

In the IRR aut-num Objects page, select Create Object from the navigation bar. The object fields are described in the following table. After entering the required information, review the object and choose Submit.

Fields in Create IRR aut-num Object Window
Field Name RPSL Field Name Definition
Maintained By mnt-by Choose the Org ID of the organization to which your ASN is registered.
ASN aut-num Choose the ASN whose routing policy you want to define. The drop-down list displays the ASNs that are managed by the Org that you chose in the “Maintained By” field.
AS Name as-name An alphanumeric identifier for the aut-num object. The identifier should be between two to 50 characters and single dashes are allowed.
Description descr Usually, a short description of the maintaining organization and location where this object is used.
Member of member-of List any as-sets to which the object belongs. The as-sets that you list will also need to list the maintainer associated with this aut-num in their object record for the cross reference to work.
Administrative Contact admin-c The Admin POC for the organization that is maintaining the object.
Technical Contacts tech-c The Tech Point of Contact (POC) for the organization that is maintaining the object. The system automatically updates Technical Contacts when Tech POCs for the Org ID are added or removed.
Import import Indicate the ASNs of the peers from which your AS will receive routing information and describes the routing information you’ll accept. For example, you can configure your routing to import a set of routes from a specific ASN that matches a filter, such as an IPv4 address. You can also specify actions to set or modify route attributes (such as assigning a preference to a route). More information is available in Section 6.1 of RFC 2622. (The “mp-import” field extends this function for IPv6.)
Export export Describes export policies (for example, exporting or announcing to specified ASes a set of routes that match a filter). More information is available in Section 6.2 of RFC 2622. (The “mp-export” field extends this function for IPv6.)
Default default Specify the default routing policy (for example, if the AS should default to another AS for routing and under which conditions, such as if a specific filter is matched). More information is available in Section 6.5 of RFC 2622. (The “mp-default” field extends this function for IPv6.)
MP Import mp-import Describes import policies as in the “import” field, but extends RPSL to allow “multi-protocol” routing policy. More information is available in Section 2.5 of RFC 4012.
MP Export mp-export Describes export policies as in the “export” field, but extends RPSL to allow “multi-protocol” routing policy. More information is available in Section 2.5 of RFC 4012.
MP Default mp-default Specifies the default routing policy as in the “default” field, but extends RPSL to allow “multi-protocol” routing policy. More information is available in Section 2.5 of RFC 4012.

Viewing route-set Objects

A route-set object groups a list of individual IPv4 address prefixes (called members), IPv6 address prefixes (mp-members), and other objects referred to in the mbrs-by-ref field. The route-set can then be referred to in other IRR objects.

Choose route-set from the navigation bar to view a list of route-set objects associated with your user account. Select the route-set name from the list to view information about the individual route-set. The object fields are described in the following table (some fields listed are optional).

route-set Fields
Field Name RPSL Field Name Definition
Route Set Name route-set A name you give to the route-set. Begins with RS- or with an AS that is managed by your organization followed by a colon and RS- (for example, AS65536:RS-ARIZ-SE-5).
Maintained By mnt-by The Org ID of the organization that configures (maintains) the IRR object. The system applies the RPSL prefix MNT- automatically.
Description descr Usually, a short description of the maintaining organization and location where this object is used.
Technical Contacts tech-c The Tech Point of Contact (POC) for the organization that is maintaining the object. The system automatically updates Technical Contacts when Tech POCs for the Org ID are added or removed.
Administrative Contact admin-c The Admin POC for the organization that is maintaining the object.
Members members Members of the set; ARIN accepts IPv4 address prefixes or other route-set names.
MP Members mp-members Members of the set; IPv4 and IPv6 address prefixes or other route-set names.
Members by Reference members-by-ref The Org IDs, preceded by MNT-, whose route/route6 objects should be included in this set. Those route/route6 objects must then contain this rs-set in their “Members of” field.
Remarks remarks Any additional information the creator of the objects wants to provide (this information will also be published in the IRR database).
Source source The routing registry name (ARIN).
Changed changed Specifies who submitted the update, and when the object was updated in YYYYMMDD format.
Created created Date and time the record was created in IRR-online.
Last Modified last-modified Date and time the record was last modified in IRR-online.

Creating a route-set Object

In the IRR route-set Objects page, select Create Object from the navigation bar. The object fields are described in the following table. After entering the required information, review your entries and choose Submit.

Fields in Create IRR route-set Window
Field Name RPSL Field Name Definition
Maintained By mnt-by Choose the Org ID of the organization that configures (maintains) the IRR object.
Route Set Name route-set A name you give to the route-set. Begins with RS- or with an AS that is managed by your organization followed by a colon and RS- (for example, AS65536:RS-ARIZ-SE-5).
Description descr Usually, a short description of the maintaining organization and location where this object is used.
Administrative Contact admin-c The Admin POC for the organization that is maintaining the object.
Technical Contacts tech-c The Tech Point of Contact (POC) for the organization that is maintaining the object. The system automatically updates Technical Contacts when Tech POCs for the Org ID are added or removed.
Members members Members of the set; ARIN accepts IPv4 address prefixes or other route-set names. The range operator notation is not accepted at this time.
MP Members mp-members Members of the set; ARIN accepts IPv4 and IPv6 address prefixes or other route-set names.
Members by Reference members-by-ref The Org IDs, preceded by MNT-, whose route/route6 objects should be included in this set. Those route/route6 objects must then contain this rs-set in their “Members of” field.
Remarks remarks Any additional information the creator of the objects wants to provide (this information will also be published in the IRR database).