Reg-RWS Quick Start Guide
ARIN Online users can also use Reg-RWS in addition to the graphical user interface to retrieve and modify records within ARIN’s database by sending URLs and XML or Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL) payloads in an automatable, computer-friendly manner using modern application interfaces that provide strong authentication. You can use Reg-RWS to perform these and other actions:
- Retrieve and modify information about delegations and networks
- Reassign and reallocate network space
- Retrieve and modify information about Orgs, Points of Contact (POCs), and customers
- Get information about tickets (requests for ARIN to perform an action) and add messages to tickets
- Submit Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs)
- Retrieve and edit Internet Routing Registry (IRR) objects
- Request reports, such as WhoWas (historical registration information) or reassignments for a given network
For more information about Reg-RWS and frequently asked questions, visit Automating Record Management with Reg-RWS.
Before You Begin
You’ll need the following before using Reg-RWS:
- Understanding of ARIN’s database structure
- ARIN Online account
- API key
- POC account in ARIN Online
Note: Your POC must have the authority to manage records for an Org. (For example, you must be linked to an Admin or Tech POC for the Org whose records you are managing.) ARIN’s Reg-RWS won’t process any modifications to a database record unless you have an ARIN Online account linked to a POC with proper authority over that record.
Reg-RWS Components
In its simplest form, a Reg-RWS action can be a URL that is entered in a browser. The URL that is used when interacting with ARIN through Reg-RWS will specify three key things:
- The address of the database being interacted with (for example,
- The database object being interacted with (for example, a POC or NET). In addition, when performing some actions such as retrieving or deleting an object, the object name or handle must be included in the URL.
- The API key associated with the user’s ARIN Online account. Note that the “apikey=” variable name in the URL must be lowercase, and the actual API key must be uppercase.
For example, to retrieve information about a specific POC, you could enter the following URL into a browser address window:
where the following information is included:
- Address:
- Database object: POC
- Object name: the handle of the POC for which you want to view information
- API key: your API key in ARIN Online
Methods and Payloads
Most uses of Reg-RWS involve coding software or scripts to perform multiple transactions at one time with the ARIN database. When using Reg-RWS this way, there are multiple components to a Reg-RWS action:
- method
- URL (see previous description)
- payload (only required when using some methods)
A method is a type of interaction, or “call,” with ARIN’s database records, within Reg-RWS. When sending URLs through Reg-RWS, users must also specify the method of interaction their specific call uses. Methods include the following:
- GET: retrieves information about a record
- POST: creates a new record
- PUT: modifies an existing record
- DELETE: deletes a record
When using methods that alter database records without deleting them (for example, PUT and POST), Reg-RWS will require more information than the URL provides. For example, if you wish to create or change contact information for a POC or ORG, Reg-RWS will require you to provide that information in a computer-friendly manner. To accomplish this, you must send formatted XML layouts known as payloads. These payloads contain details about the record being created or modified, such as organization information, POC information, IP address ranges, and customer data. To ensure that your payload is current, perform a GET before performing a PUT or POST with a given record.
Reg-RWS Examples
A few examples of common Reg-RWS transactions are listed. ARIN provides full information about methods and payloads for Reg-RWS users. The Methods Page describes each database interaction, the appropriate method and URL structure, and which payloads will be sent and returned. The Payloads Page details each payload structure, provides examples of completed payloads, and explains common error codes returned by Reg-RWS when it receives information it cannot understand or process correctly.
Getting Information About a POC
You want to get information about a POC. The following table shows the method, URL, and other information. Because you are only retrieving information about a POC, there is no content (payload). The Returns field specifies the payload that you will see returned from Reg-RWS upon sending a correct URL using the correct method.
Method: GET
URL: /rest/poc/POCHANDLE?apikey=APIKEY
Content: NONE
Returns: POC Payload
Returns the details of a POC record. If no POC can be found with the handle specified, an exception containing an Error Payload will be thrown.
Command Example
Return Payload Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<companyName>Test Company</companyName>
<name>United States</name>
<email>[email protected]</email>
<line number="0">111 Test Dr.</line>
Performing a Reassignment to a New Customer
Step One: Creating a Recipient Customer
You want to create a customer who will be receiving a simple reassignment from you. This call will create a Org using the details in the Customer Payload you provide, and the handle in your URL specifying the parent NET from which this Org will be receiving a simple reassignment. This call will then return a payload containing information about this newly-created Customer. Customers automatically inherit the POCs of their parent Org.
Note: Be sure your API Key is linked to a POC that is either the Admin or Tech POC for the Org holding the parent NET, or the Tech POC for the NET itself. Otherwise you will receive an error.
URL: /rest/net/PARENTNETHANDLE/customer?apikey=APIKEY
Content: Customer Payload
Returns: Customer Payload
Command Example
Content Payload Example
xmlns="" >
<name>UNITED STATES</name>
<line number = "1">Line 1</line>
<line number = "1">Line 1</line>
Return Payload Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>United States</name>
<line number="0">Line 1</line>
<line number="0">Line 1</line>
Step Two: Reassign Space to the Newly-Created Customer
You want to perform a simple reassignment to the customer you created in Step One. This call performs a reassignment from the NET specified in your URL using the recipient information contained in the NET Payload you provide. Reassignments are given to an Org or Customer for their own use and may not be reallocated or reassigned further. To perform a simple reassignment, specify a Customer in the NET Payload you send.
URL: /rest/net/PARENTNETHANDLE/reassign?apikey=APIKEY
Content: NET Payload
Returns: Ticketed Request Payload
Command Example
Content Payload Example
xmlns="" >
<line number = "1">Line 1</line>
Return Payload Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<line number="0">Line 1</line>
Common Reg-RWS Tasks
Some of the common Reg-RWS tasks you might want to perform are listed below. Click the links to see syntax information for each task.
- Reporting Reassignments
- Reporting Reallocations
- Requesting Reassignment Reports
- Requesting Associations Reports
- Requesting WhoWas Reports (Note: These only contain the data that would have been publicly viewable in Whois.)
Automating Record Management with Reg-RWS
- Reg-RWS Quick Start Guide
- RESTful Methods
- RESTful Payloads
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