Meeting of the ARIN Advisory Council - 07 October 1998 [Archived]
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- Bill Darte
- John Klensin
- Samir Saad
- Michael Dillon
- Guy Middleton
- David Whipple
- Ed Kern
- Alec Peterson
- Mary K. Lee, ARIN Staff
- Hank Kilmer
- Jeremy Porter
The meeting was called to order at 3:05pm by Bill Darte, the chair for today’s meeting. John Klensin joined the meeting at 3:10pm. The requirements for a quorum were satisfied.
The one agenda item for discussion today is the selection of up to three candidates from the list of nominees submitted. This slate of nominees will be submitted to the Board for Trustees for consideration in filling the upcoming vacancy on the Board. It was noted that the AC could decline to submit any nominations at all. The eligibility of Cathy Wittbrodt’s nomination came to the floor for discussion. Her nomination was submitted before the deadline, but the biographical information was submitted after the deadline. A motion was made to accept Cathy Wittbrodt’s nomination though biographical information was delayed beyond close of nominations but, after discussion, it was determined that this would constitute a procedural change. AC members decided to reconsider the nomination procedure and refine the bylaws as necessary to eliminate confusion in this area.
John Klensin moved to extend the nomination period until COB on Tuesday, October 13, 1998. He further emphasized that in order for a nomination to be considered complete, both the nomination and the biographical material must be received by this extended deadline for nominations. All nominations received previously will be regarded as active nominations and do not require resubmission. It was also requested that the extension notice be sent to the members as soon as possible. The motion was seconded by Hank Kilmer and passed unanimously. The slate of nominees will be selected at the AC meeting on October 15 in Seattle.
Bill noted that the procedural changes that are needed for clarification of the nomination process should be included at the upcoming AC meeting. An agenda item for Bylaw Modifications is on the agenda at 10:15am. The discussion of the procedural changes for the nomination process will be added to this section of the agenda. Bill asked that Mary K. Lee make arrangements for teleconferencing to be available for AC members who will not be in Seattle.
With no further items for discussion, Jeremy Porter motioned that the meeting be adjourned. John Klensin seconded that motion and the meeting was adjourned at 3:45pm.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.