Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 22 January 2002 [Archived]


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  • Scott Bradner
  • John Curran
  • Ray Plzak
  • Bill Manning
  • Lee Howard
  • Thérèse Colosi, Scribe
  • Richard Jimmerson, Director of Operations
  • Dennis Molloy, ARIN counsel

Chairman of the Board, John Curran, called the meeting to order at 10:20 a.m. EST. Roll call was taken, and the presence of a quorum was noted for the record. Scott Marcus and David Conrad were absent.

The meeting agenda was reviewed and accepted.

Election of Officers: Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer.
There was a call for nominations and the status of the offices were given as follows:

  • Chairman: John Curran, Incumbent
    Scott Bradner nominated John Curran and John accepted. There were no further nominations and no other volunteers noted. Ray Plzak moved for unanimous consent by all members of the meeting. John Curran recognized the motion and noted that roll call would be required. Ray Plzak called the roll. John was elected unanimously by all members present. John abstained from the vote.
  • Secretary: Scott Bradner, Incumbent
    John Curran nominated Scott Bradner and Scott accepted. There were no further nominations and no other volunteers noted. Ray Plzak called the roll. Scott was elected unanimously by all members present. Scott abstained from the vote.
  • Treasurer: Vacant
    Scott Bradner nominated Lee Howard and Lee accepted. Bill Manning nominated David Conrad, but since he was not present to accept, the nomination was withdrawn. There were no further nominations and no other volunteers noted. Ray Plzak called the roll. Lee was elected unanimously by all members present. Lee abstained from the vote.

ARIN IX: Support Requirements
The Board was reminded to ask for any assistance in planning their travel to the upcoming ARIN Meeting in April.

Process for Approving the Minutes.
At the last Board meeting in December, the Chairman noted that he reserved the right to review this procedure, in light of parliamentary procedure, and report back to the Board at its next meeting if he found anything out of order. As a result this review, it was determined that the minutes must be approved by the Board in a face-to-face meeting. However, the minutes may be posted prior to this meeting if they are clearly marked as “Draft”.

Ray Plzak will revise the procedure to state this, and the board will formally approve this as the formal procedure for approving the minutes at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Review and action on the revised language of Policy Proposal 2001-2: “/24 Reassignments for Multi-homing”.
At the last Board meeting in December, the Board of Trustees requested the President have staff reword the language of Policy Proposal 2001-2: /24, based on Board concerns, and present it to the Board at its next meeting. Below is the reworded language by ARIN staff intended for publishing on web-site. (It was noted that the suggested language revisions are not substantive in nature, therefore the revised policy would not need to re-enter the Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process).

Revised Language:
Under normal circumstances an ISP is required to determine the prefix size of their reassignment to a downstream customer according to the guidelines set forth in RFC 2050. Specifically, a downstream customer justifies their reassignment by demonstrating they have an immediate requirement for 25% of the IP addresses being assigned, and that they have a plan to utilize 50% of their assignment within one year of its receipt.

This policy allows a downstream customer’s multi-homing requirement to serve as justification for a /24 reassignment from their upstream ISP, regardless of host requirements. Downstream customers must provide contact information for all of their upstream providers to the ISP from whom they are requesting a /24. The ISP will then verify the customer’s multi-homing requirement and may assign the customer a /24, based on this policy. Customers may receive a /24 from only one of their upstream providers under this policy without providing additional justification.ISPs may demonstrate they have made an assignment to a downstream customer under this policy by supplying ARIN with the information they collected from the customer, as described above, or by identifying the AS number of the customer. This information may be requested by ARIN staff when reviewing an ISP’s utilization during their request for additional IP addresses space.

Scott Bradner moved that the Board ratify the revised language. Bill Manning seconded the motion. During the discussion, Ray Plzak noted that the revised language did not make a substantive change, but did fulfill the Board’s desire for more streamlined language. Bill Manning moved to amend the motion to include a provision that the Advisory Council be given the courtesy to review the new language and offer comment. Scott Bradner accepted the motion as a friendly amendment. There being no further discussion, John Curran called for a vote. Ray Plzak called the roll. The amended motion carried unanimously.

Review and action on the revised language of Policy Proposal 2001-6: “Multiple Aggregation Point”.
At the last Board meeting in December, the Board of Trustees requested the President have staff reword the language of Policy Proposal 2001-6, based on Board concerns, and present it to the Board at its next meeting. Below is the reworded language by ARIN staff intended for publishing on web-site (It was noted that the suggested language revisions are not substantive in nature, therefore the revised policy would not need to re-enter the Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process).

Revised Language:
Organizations with multiple discrete networks desiring to request new or additional address space under a single maintainer ID must met the following criteria:

  • The organization shall be a single entity, and not a consortium of smaller independent entities.
  • The organization must have been previously granted address space by an RIR. This policy does not apply to organizations with only legacy address space.
  • The organization must have multiple (at least two) discrete multi-homed networks.
  • The organization must have compelling criteria for creating discrete networks.
  • The organization must show greater than 50% utilization of the last block of address space granted to them by the RIR.
  • The organization must show greater than 50% utilization of all previously allocated address space.
  • The organization must not allocate additional space to discrete network unless all the blocks allocated to that network show utilization greater than 80% individually and as a whole.
  • The organization must apply for this policy to be applied to its existing account.

Bill Manning motioned to ratify the revised policy language subject to final review by Advisory Council. John Curran motioned the vote and Ray Plzak seconded the motion. Ray Plzak called roll. Motion carried unanimously.

Adjournment. Scott Bradner moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 a.m. EST. Ray Plzak seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.