Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 18 March 2003 [Archived]
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.
San Francisco, CA
- John Curran, Chairman
- Scott Bradner, Secretary
- David Conrad, Trustee
- Lee Howard, Treasurer
- Bill Manning, Trustee
- Ray Plzak, President
- Bill Woodcock, Trustee
ARIN Staff:
- Thérèse Colosi, Recording Secretary
ARIN Counsel:
Dennis Molloy, ARIN Counsel
- Agenda Bashing
- Formal Approval of Board of Trustees Minutes of January 10, 2003
- Procedure for the Appointment of an Interim Member of the ARIN Advisory Council
- Acceptance of AC’s recommendation to abandon Policy 2002-7, Micro-Assignments for Multi-Homed Organizations
- Formal confirmation of the Appointment of Interim member to ARIN AC Member, Dana Argiro
- Formal approval of the Procedure for Approving Meeting Minutes
- Policy Development Process Document
- ICANN Reform Discussion
- Formal Approval of the Appointment of Interim ARIN AC Member Andrew Dul
- Internal Policy Process Procedure Document
- Privacy Statement
- Next Board of Trustees Meeting Location and Time
- Board Travel Policy
- Budget Milestones Discussion
- ARIN ASO AC meeting with the Board at ARIN XI
- Any Other Business
- Adjournment
The Chair, John Curran, called the meeting to order at 7:16 p.m. PST. The presence of a quorum was noted.
1. Agenda Bashing
Ray Plzak requested adding a discussion regarding converting from a 15-member to 9-member Advisory Council. The Board to agreed to add this as item 16a under Any Other Business. Scott Bradner requested adding Key Signing Key as 16b and APNIC joining ITU as 16c. David Conrad requested discussing IETF financial situation as 16d. The Board agreed to add these items under Any Other Business.
2. Formal Approval of Board of Trustees Minutes of January 10, 2003
Scott Bradner, acting as Secretary of the Board, moved that
“The ARIN Board of Trustees adopt the minutes of the January 10, 2003 meeting as written."
This was seconded by David Conrad. The motion carried unanimously.
3. Procedure for the Appointment of an Interim Member of the ARIN Advisory Council
After review and discussion, Scott Bradner moved that
“The ARIN Board of Trustees adopt the Procedure for the Appointment of an Interim Member of the ARIN Advisory Council as written.”
This was seconded by David Conrad. The motion carried unanimously. This is attached as Exhibit A .
4. Acceptance of AC’s recommendation to abandon Policy 2002-7, Micro-Assignments for Multi-Homed Organizations
Scott Bradner moved that
“The ARIN Board of Trustees accept the Advisory Council’s recommendation to abandon Policy 2002-7, Micro-Assignments for Multi-Homed Organizations.”
This was seconded by Bill Manning. The motion carried unanimously.
5. Formal confirmation of the ARIN AC Appointment of Dana Argiro as Interim Member to ARIN AC
On January 22, 2003 via electronic means, the Board unanimously consented to the ARIN AC’s appointment of Dana Argiro as an Interim Member to the ARIN AC to fill the seat vacated by Barbara Roseman. The AC’s appointment process now needs to be formally confirmed by the Board in accordance with Article VII, Section 5.c. of the ARIN Bylaws.
Scott Bradner moved that,
“The ARIN Board of Trustees confirms the electronic actions taken by the Board to confirm the ARIN AC’s appointment of Dana Argiro as an Interim Member of the ARIN AC, effective January 22, 2003.”
This was seconded by Bill Manning. The motion carried unanimously.
6. Formal Approval of the Procedure for Approving Meeting Minutes
At the December 11, 2001 board meeting, the board adopted a procedure for approving meeting minutes, subject to final parliamentary review by the Chairman. At the January 22, 2002 teleconference meeting of the Board, it was agreed a header stating the minutes were ‘draft’ until the next regularly scheduled meeting would be added to the procedure. The Board had not formally adopted this procedure as modified by the Chairman during his parliamentary review.
The procedure for approving meeting minutes is included herein for reference:
Staff-composed meeting minutes are sent to the Board Secretary for approval. Upon the Secretary’s approval, the draft minutes are sent via electronic means to the Minutes Committee comprised of the Board as a Committee of the whole. Members have ten (10) business days to respond with approval or suggested changes. Lack of response within ten days will be construed as approval of the minutes as drafted. If changes are received, they will be incorporated by the Secretary and the revised draft will be sent back to the Committee for final approval. If a second round of review is necessary, response is required within five (5) business days. The Minutes will be posted as “draft” to the ARIN website until formal approval by the Board at the next regularly scheduled board meeting at which time the minutes would be posted as approved.
Scott Bradner moved that
“The ARIN Board of Trustees adopt the Procedure for Approving Meeting Minutes as modified.”
This was seconded by David Conrad.
Ray then made a friendly amendment to change the procedure to state that the draft minutes would be changed to read “approved” after approval by the Board. All agreed to this friendly amendment.
Scott moved that the new motion read,
“The ARIN Board of Trustees adopts the Procedure for Approving Meeting Minutes as modified and amended.”
All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
7. Policy Development Process Document
Scott Bradner stated he would have this document completed by the ARIN meeting in Memphis
8. ICANN Reform
Ray Plzak gave an update on the status of the ICANN Reform Process and noted that the mail list for the ASO MOU editing team had been created.
9. Formal Approval of the Appointment of Andrew Dul as an Interim Member of the ARIN AC
Scott Bradner moved that
“The ARIN Board of Trustees confirm the ARIN AC’s appointment of Andrew Dul as an Interim Member of the ARIN AC, effective March 18, 2003.”
This was seconded by Bill Manning. The motion passed unanimously.
10. Internal Policy Process Procedure Document
Scott Bradner stated that after the Policy Development Process Document was discussed at the member meeting, he would work on this document.
11. Privacy Statement
Dennis Molloy led the discussion. After review and discussion, Ray Plzak moved that
“The ARIN Board of Trustees adopt the Privacy Statement as modified during the discussion.”
This was seconded by Scott Bradner. The Chair noted this document is subject to review and modification. All agreed. The motion passed unanimously. This is attached as Exhibit B .
12. Board Travel Policy
Ray Plzak announced the policy. Several Board members had comments and these were noted. This policy will be re-distributed to the Board with their comments incorporated.
13. Meeting Place and Date for next Board of Trustees Meeting
The Board proposed the next Board meeting to take place July 21, 2003 at ARIN’s offices.
14. Discussion of Budget Milestones
Lee Howard provided the Board with information concerning the development of the 2004 Budget.
15. Discuss having a meeting with the ARIN ASO AC members during ARIN XI
Ray Plzak led the discussion. The Board agreed to meet with these members during ARIN XI.
16. Any Other Business
a. Conversion from 15-Member to 9-Member Advisory Council. After discussing, the Board agreed to consider this and address it at the member meeting in Memphis. Ray Plzak noted that it would be added to the agenda for the member meeting.
b. Management of the Root Server Key Signing Key. Discussion ensued with the Board agreeing that this is not an appropriate role for the ARIN to take at this time.
c. APNIC joining the ITU. Discussion amongst the Board took place.
d. IETF financial situation. Scott Bradner led the discussion regarding the fact that support for the Secretariat may be needed since the IETF may be in financial trouble in the future.
17. Adjournment
The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 9:57 p.m. PST. Ray Plzak moved to adjourn. This was seconded by Scott Bradner. The motion carried unanimously.
Procedure for the Appointment of an Interim Member of the ARIN Advisory Council
In the event that one of the elected positions on the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) is vacated before the end of the term for that position, the following procedure may, at the option of the ARIN AC, be used to select an individual to fill that position until the next regularly scheduled ARIN AC election. At that time, the remaining term of that position will be open to the general election process.
When there are runner-up nominees from the previous ARIN AC election who received at least 5% of the total votes cast, the AC will ask the runner up with the highest number of votes if they are willing to serve out the term until the next regular election. The AC may continue down the list of candidates, in order of highest number of votes and still within the 5% category, until a replacement is found.
When there are no eligible candidates from the prior election, the Advisory Council may, by majority vote, appoint an interim representative.
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