Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 10 June 2004 [Archived]


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  • John Curran, Chair
  • Scott Bradner, Secretary
  • David Conrad, Trustee
  • Lee Howard, Treasurer
  • Bill Manning, Trustee
  • Ray Plzak, President
  • Bill Woodcock, Trustee

ARIN Staff

  • Thérèse Colosi, Recording Secretary

1. Welcome

The Chair called the meeting to order at 12:37 p.m. EDT. The presence of a quorum was noted.

2. Agenda Bashing

The Chair called for comments on the Agenda. There were no comments.

3. Adoption of 2002-2: Experimental Internet Resource Allocations

Scott Bradner moved that:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees, based on the recommendation of the ARIN Advisory Council, and noting that the Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process has been followed, adopts Policy Proposal 2002-2: Experimental Internet Resource Allocations.”

This was seconded by Lee Howard. Ray Plzak provided a brief update on this proposal stating it has been approved in the other regions as well. The motion carried unanimously via roll call vote.

4. Adoption of 2003-5: Distributed Information Server Use Requirements

Scott Bradner moved that:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees, based on the recommendation of the ARIN Advisory Council, and noting that the Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process has been followed, adopts Policy Proposal 2003-5: Distributed Information Server Use Requirements.”

This was seconded by David Conrad. Ray Plzak provided a brief update to the Board. The motion carried unanimously via roll call vote.

5. Discussion of ARIN AC Travel Policy

The issue of reimbursement of expenses to the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) for attending the NANOG portion of Joint ARIN/NANOG meetings had arisen as a topic of discussion within the ARIN Finance Committee. The Board discussed the issue. Most members felt that it was beneficial for ARIN to have members of the AC attend the NANOG portion of these meetings for their contribution in outreach efforts to the community, and to encourage policy discussion. Lee Howard felt that the Board should define a general policy on this type of outreach rather than to just address this instance.

The Chair called for a straw poll to determine the sense of the Board to help guide ARIN’s President. The result was 5 in favor of supporting AC member expenses, 1 against (Lee Howard), and two abstentions (Bill Manning & Bill Woodcock). Bill Manning & Bill Woodcock noted that they were both on the NANOG Program Committee.

Based on the results of the straw poll, the Chair requested that Ray Plzak look into whether or not the ARIN budget would have to be adjusted to support this outreach effort. Ray said he would do so, and report back to the Board.

6. 2003 Audited Financial Statements

Lee Howard moved that:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees accepts the 2003 audited financial statements as presented.”

This was seconded by Scott Bradner. The motion carried unanimously via roll call vote.

7. Discussion of Volunteers for the Nominating Committee

This item is a requirement for upcoming ARIN elections. Ray Plzak stated that Lee Howard and Bill Manning would be up for re-election. Scott Bradner and David Conrad volunteered to be members of the Committee.

8. Compensation Committee Membership

Scott Bradner moved that:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees excuses Lee Howard of his temporary assignment as a member of the ARIN Compensation Committee, and directs John Curran to resume his assignment on the Committee.”

This was seconded by David Conrad. The Chair called for a roll call vote. The motion carried with Lee Howard and Ray Plzak abstaining.

9. Any Other Business

The Chair called for any other business items. There were no other items.

10. Adjournment

The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 1:01 p.m. EDT. Scott Bradner moved to adjourn, and this was seconded by Lee Howard. The motion carried unanimously.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.