Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 09 November 2004 [Archived]
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Washington, DC
- John Curran, Chair
- Scott Bradner, Secretary
- David Conrad, Trustee
- Lee Howard, Treasurer
- Bill Manning, Trustee
- Ray Plzak, President
- Paul Vixie, Trustee-Elect
- Bill Woodcock, Trustee
ARIN Staff:
- Thérèse Colosi, Recording Secretary
- Nate Davis, Director of Operations
- Susan Hamlin, Director of Member Services
- Richard Jimmerson, Director of External Relations
- Bob Stratton, Director of Business
ARIN Counsel:
- Stephen Ryan
1. Welcome
The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. EDT. The presence of a quorum was noted. The Chair and the Board congratulated Bill Manning and Paul Vixie on their elections to the Board and welcomed Paul as an observer to this meeting. It was noted that Paul had signed ARIN’s non-disclosure agreement.
2. Agenda Bashing
The Chair called for any comments. Ray Plzak requested adding a discussion on the draft response that Leo Bicknell posted on the PPML regarding IETF-IPv6 ula, and also adding a discussion on consumption of IPv4 space. The Chair added these items as 16. A and B respectively, under Any Other Business. The Treasurer requested providing a brief report on ARIN’s process audit, and this was added as Item 16. C.
3. Meeting Conduct
Extract from AC Minutes of October 21, 2004:
“BD (Bill Darte) stated that in at least one previous meeting, statements made during discussion took on a personal and unprofessional tone and that in this current meeting he thought discussion during one presentation got similarly out of hand. BD requested that in future meetings the Chairing parties put a stop to discussion that becomes personal rather than focused on the issues. All were in agreement that this issue should be brought to the attention of the board for consideration and possible future procedural changes.”
The Chair called for comments. Discussion ensued and the Chair noted he would follow this advice in future meetings should the occasion arise.
4. Confirm the results of the Board of Trustees Election Process as required by Article VI, Section 4 i. of the ARIN Bylaws
Scott Bradner, as Secretary moved that:
“The ARIN Board of Trustees, noting that the election for the members of the ARIN Board of Trustees was conducted according to ARIN Bylaws, confirms that Bill Manning and Paul Vixie were elected by the membership to serve three-year terms commencing January 1, 2005 and ending December 31, 2008.”
This was seconded by David Conrad. Chair asked if the election was conducted according to the ARIN Bylaws, both Scott and Susan confirmed that it had been.
The motion carried unanimously.
5. Confirm the results of the Advisory Council Election Process as required by Article VIII, Section 4 g. of the ARIN Bylaws
Scott Bradner, as Secretary moved that:
“The ARIN Board of Trustees, noting that the election for the members of the ARIN Advisory Council was conducted according to ARIN Bylaws, confirms that Paul Andersen, Marla Azinger, Ron da Silva, Alex Rubenstein, and Cathy Wittbrodt were elected by the membership to serve three-year terms commencing January 1, 2005 and ending December 31, 2008.”
This was seconded by Lee Howard. Chair asked if the election was conducted according to the ARIN Bylaws, both Scott and Susan confirmed that it had been.
The motion carried unanimously.
6. Extension of waiver for AS number and IP address transfer fees
Lee Howard, as Chair of the Finance Committee, moved that:
“The ARIN Board of Trustees extends the waiver of the fees for the transfer of AS numbers and IP addresses for the period January 1, 2005 through June 30, 2005.”
This was seconded by Bill Manning. Discussion ensued with the Lee providing a brief explanation of the waiver. The Board was in agreement with the six-month timeframe. It was the sense of the Board that this would encourage clean-up, and requested staff to distinguish between hijacking and clean-up in the announcement of the continued waiver. The Board also requested that the next ARIN Quarterly Newsletter address this issue. The motion carried unanimously via roll call.
7. Waiver of IPv6 Fees for Non-IPv4 Subscriber Members
At the last Board meeting, Ray Plzak moved to table this item so that more analysis could be done and so that the FinCom could look deeper into this issue. At the last meeting, Lee Howard had moved that the ARIN Board of Trustees extends the current waiver of IPv6 fees for IPv4 subscriber members to non-IPv4 subscriber members.
Lee Howard, as Treasurer, moved to take from the table the motion relating to the waiver of IPv6 fees for non-IPv4 subscriber members. There were no objections.
Ray Plzak then moved to amend the motion by striking out the entire motion and substituting:
“The ARIN Board of Trustees extends the current waiver of all IPv6 fees to all members in good standing for the period of January 1, 2005 until December 31, 2006. This waiver is not extended to any outstanding IPv6 related fees that were regularly invoiced in 2004.”
This was seconded by Lee Howard. Chair asked for any objections. There were no objections. The Chair called for discussion of the substitute motion. Brief discussion ensued with the Board in agreement.
The motion carried unanimously via roll call.
8. Current IPv6-only Subscriber Members
At the last Board meeting, Ray Plzak moved to table this item for discussion at this meeting for the same reasons mentioned above. At the last meeting, Lee Howard had moved that the ARIN Board of Trustees waive the fees for IPv6-only subscriber members.
Lee Howard, as Treasurer, moved to take from the table the motion relating to the current IPv6-only subscriber members. The Chair called for any objections. There were no objections. Lee then withdrew the motion because it was superceded by the motion adopted.
9. Waiver of IPv6 Fees
At the last Board meeting, Ray Plzak moved to table this item for discussion at this meeting for the same reasons mentioned in Item 7, above. At the last meeting, Lee Howard had moved that the ARIN Board of Trustees extend the current waiver of all IPv6 fees for the period of January 1, 2005 until December 31, 2005."
Lee Howard, as Treasurer, moved to take from the table the motion relating to the waiver of IPv6 fees. The Chair called for any objections. There were no objections. Lee then withdrew the motion because it was superceded by the motion adopted.
10. List of regularly scheduled Board and Finance Committee Meetings
Schedules are attached as Exhibit A for reference. The Board reviewed the schedules. The Chair advised the Board to relate any schedule conflicts to the Board via email. Scott Bradner requested specific dates be provided to the Board in order to be able to definitely schedule time on their calendars.
The Treasurer stated that he would specify dates for the FinCom’s scheduling as well.
11. New Law Applying to Serving California Members
At the last Board meeting, Scott Bradner provided information on a new law in California regarding CA residents and the Internet, that became effective as of July 1, 2004, and one that becomes effective January 1, 2005. Scott requested ARIN to check with Counsel regarding these laws.
Steve Ryan stated that there was no additional action item needed. He further stated that counsel will make a recommendation to the President regarding tracking the development of laws of various states, and the countries in the ARIN region that could affect ARIN.
The Chair called for any further discussion. It was noted that ARIN’s website privacy statement effective date was added to the website on November 3, 2004, as required by the California law.
12. Open Attendance at ARIN member meetings
Susan Hamlin stated that there had been discussion at member meetings regarding non-member participation. She explained that the majority of attendees are mostly members, with a few Other-RIR staff members attending by invitation, but that there currently is no screening process in place to ensure that attendees are members only. She asked if the Board if they felt the member meetings should remain closed.
After discussion, Lee Howard made the following motion:
“The ARIN Board of Trustees allows non-members to be present at ARIN Member Meetings.”
This was seconded by Scott Bradner. Chair called for discussion. There was no further discussion on this matter. The motion carried unanimously.
The Board then discussed the issue of how to handle the actual vote of the membership since member meetings would have non-member attendees. Ray Plzak stated that ARIN staff would investigate the issue, and come up with procedure to submit to the Board for consideration. He suggested that the Board could vote on the procedure during their January teleconference. Scott Bradner requested that the procedure for recording public policy votes also be investigated.
13. Webcast Archives
Discussion ensued on the merits of publishing the webcast archive versus only publishing the minutes of the Public Policy meetings. It was the sense of the Board that publishing the archive and publishing the minutes was acceptable and directed ARIN staff to do so.
14. Remote Participation
Nate Davis provided the results from the most recent ARIN meeting stating that only three attendees participated remotely with only one of the three participating for the duration of the whole meeting. Given the costs involved in running the remote participation, it was the sense of the Board that such small participation was not cost effective.
The Board suggested continuing to investigate remote participation, but advised ARIN staff to investigate several tools in which to do so.
15. Selection of ARIN Appointee to the ASO AC
With the signing of the new ASO MoU, the ARIN Board of Trustees needs to appoint one individual to serve on the ASO AC. As previously agreed, Mark McFadden will vacate his seat to make room for the appointment. Louis Lee and Sanford George will complete their terms as ARIN’s “two individual members elected via an open, accessible, documented and transparent procedure” as outlined in the MoU.
In 2005, the ARIN Board of Trustees will make an appointment following their previously approved procedure of April 19, 2004 (Exhibit B).
The President explained that Sanford George has a three year term, and Louis Lee has two years left to his term. In order to sync the new appointee (Mark McFadden’s replacement) into the cycle, the Board needed to adopt the interim-appointment procedure in Exhibit C for this one year term. Ray further explained that in 2005, the Board would go back to using the procedure in Exhibit B to elect the appointee for the full three year term.
In order to elect the new appointee, the Board will form a Committee of the Whole to nominate candidates for the position as follows:
- Nomination period: 6:00 p.m. EST November 9 - Noon EST December 1
- Board members submit nominations after receiving assurance from the Nominee that they will serve a one year term if appointed. Nominations will be sent to: [email protected].
- Staff to ensure the nominees are clear on policies like travel, etc. Board to ensure the nominees are willing to serve. Board requested that the nominees be sent to the Board so they are not redundantly contacted. Pre-qualification done.
- Voting will occur through the online voting booth.
- Nomination Period: 9:00 AM EST December 3 - Noon EST December 7
- All votes must be confirmed by 3:00 PM EST December 7.
- The URL for the voting booth will be sent to all Board members. They must use their email address that is on record with ARIN to vote.
- If a second round of voting is required, the Voting Period will be: 9:00 AM EST December 8 - Noon EST December 9.
- December 10 - teleconference call will be scheduled to confirm the vote.
- The President will announce the appointments on December 13, following confirmation that the winner will serve.
In 2005, this will be a task for the NomCom. The ballot will be done at an ARIN Board meeting then, once every 3 years. The Chair called for any comments on this procedure. There were no comments. The Board thanked the President for his work on this matter.
At 7:37 p.m. EDT, the Chair called for a 10 minute recess. The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. EDT, noting the presence of a quorum.
16. Any Other Business
A. Draft ARIN Recommendation on Draft-IETF-IPv6-ula-central. The Board reviewed the discussion on the PPML in regard to this draft. After much discussion, it was the sense of the Board that, because of the way the IETF operates, ARIN encourage its members to express their own views on this draft. In addition, the Board suggested that Ray Plzak craft an Internet Draft on the subject, as an individual.
B. Consumption of IPv4 Space. Nate Davis and Richard Jimmerson provided information to the Board regarding recent IPv4 registration allocation request activity. Nate noted that the activity will be reflected on the Statistics webpage in due course.
The Chair called for a ten minute recess at 8:58 p.m. EDT. The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:11 p.m. EDT, noting the presence of a quorum.
C. FinCom Report. Lee Howard stated that ARIN’s process audit is in progress and the auditors will meet with the Treasurer and ARIN staff to provide its preliminary report. The auditor’s written report will be provided to the FinCom, and recommendations will be reported to the Board.
The Chair called for any other business items. Ray Plzak requested a discussion on the recent ITU and Internet Governance Paper written by H. Zhao of the ITU. David Conrad requested a discussion on ARIN/NRO engineering projects and a discussion on community free networks. These were added as Items 16 D, E and F, respectively.
D. Comments on Zhao Paper. Ray Plzak stated that he had sent the Board the link to the text of the paper, and that the EC was drafting a comment paper in response to it. The response paper was sent to the Board this morning, and to the other RIRs as well. Ray requested that the Board send all comments on the response document to him by tomorrow morning so that he could submit them by the Zhao Paper response deadline of November 15th.
E. ARIN/NRO Engineering Projects Update. Ray Plzak gave a brief update to the Board stating that ARIN’s engineering department was working on various NRO projects to include: NRO Joint Whois; roadmap DNSSEC; participation in the CRISP WG. He also stated that the NRO was continuing to operate as a light weight organization with no employees.
Nate Davis outlined ARIN’s roadmap of the engineering department including Whois redundancy project; replacing the accounting server; helping with ARIN member meeting coordination infrastructure; replacing old Net client equipment; source code tracking; IPv6 co-location; and, internal security audit and evaluation. He stated that the billing integration project had been targeted for early 2005, but that this schedule was being re-evaluated to make it a priority.
David requested this type of information and progression of the roadmap be provided in future meetings.
F. Community Free Networks. David Conrad stated that had been approached regarding the issue of a request for provider space but not having to pay for it by a member of a non-profit organization. He stated his response was that the party draft a proposal and participate in public policy meeting. He asked the Board for guidance on how involved he should be in requests such as these. The Chair reminded the Board that to the extent possible, the Board should not champion proposals. However, the Board directed David to feel free to give his own opinion, as an individual, to any parties making such requests.
The Chair called for any other comments.
Ray Plzak moved that:
“The ARIN Board of Trustees extends their sincerest thanks to Lee Howard for a job well done. Lee’s service as a member of the Board of Trustees, Treasurer, and Chair of the Finance Committee has been exemplary and will be greatly missed.”
This was seconded by Scott Bradner. Ray stated that he was making this motion in recognition that Lee’s term will end on December 31st. Ray also presented Lee with a glass award in recognition of his service.
The motion carried unanimously, with Lee Howard abstaining.
17. Adjournment
The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 9:58 p.m. EDT. Scott Bradner moved to adjourn and this was seconded by Bill Manning. The motion carried unanimously.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.