Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 08 July 2008 [Archived]


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.

Redwood City, CA


  • John Curran, Chair
  • Scott Bradner, Secretary (via teleconference)
  • Lee Howard, Treasurer
  • Ray Plzak, President
  • Paul Vixie, Trustee
  • Bill Woodcock, Trustee

ARIN Staff:

  • Thérèse Colosi, Recording Secretary
  • Nate Davis, COO
  • Susan Hamlin, Director Member Services
  • Cathy Handley, Executive Director Government Affairs
  • Richard Jimmerson, CIO
  • Mark Kosters, CTO
  • Mary K Lee, Director, H.R./Business Admin.
  • Leslie Nobile, Director Registration Services
  • Bob Stratton, Director Financial Services

ARIN Counsel:

  • Stephen M. Ryan, ESQ


  • Bill Manning, Trustee

1. Welcome

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m. PDT. The presence of quorum was noted and the Chair welcomed everyone.

2. Agenda Bashing

In the interest of time, due to the Board spending the day in a workshop, the Chair called for any items that could be tabled until the next Board meeting from this Agenda. Lee Howard stated that Item 4 could be tabled due to the fact that the Finance Committee (FinCom) had not yet had the chance to review the report. The Chair asked the President if there were any implications to not discussing Item 4. The President stated that it needed to be published soon. It was the sense of the Board this item could be tabled until the next Board meeting.

It was suggested that Item 6 be tabled and discussed at the next Board meeting. All agreed.

The President requested addressing Item 5 first before the rest of the Agenda, because it could be taken care of very quickly. All agreed.

Item 5. Impaneling Nomination Committee for the ARIN Election of the Board of Trustees. ARIN Bylaws, Article VI, Section 4 C requires the Board to appoint a Nomination Committee as follows:
“The Board shall annually appoint a Nomination Committee consisting of seven (7) persons, including: two (2) members of the Board of Trustees, two (2) members of the Advisory Council, and three (3) volunteer General Members in good standing selected by random lot….”.
The Advisory Council will be tasked to identify two volunteers for this committee. A call for volunteers from the membership will be made on July 14, 2008.

The Chair called for two Board volunteers. Lee Howard stated he and Bill Woodcock’s terms would be expiring this year. Ray Plzak stated that if they intended to run again, they were not eligible for this Committee. Paul Vixie volunteered. The Chair recommended Scott Bradner for the Committee. Scott accepted.

Lee Howard moved:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees appoints Paul Vixie and Scott Bradner to the Nominating Committee for Board Elections for 2008, and that Paul Vixie will be the designated Chair.”

This was seconded by Ray Plzak. The Chair called for discussion. There were no comments.

The motion carried with no objections.

3. Policy Proposal 2007-17: Legacy Outreach and Partial Reclamation

At the last Board meeting on June 20, 2008, Lee Howard raised the issue of staff being able to make judgments, and wanted the proposal language to be as risk-free as possible. He stated that Counsel had concerns because the current text allows for more discretion and latitude by staff. At that time, it was the sense of the Board that ratification of this proposal be tabled for one more legal review regarding language and consequences.

The Chair called for discussion. Scott Bradner noted that he did not see any discussion on the Board’s list. Counsel explained that he re-reviewed the proposal. He noted Owen DeLong had written a policy with good intent, but loose language. After brief discussion,

Ray Plzak moved:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees, having reviewed Policy Proposal 2007-17: Legacy Outreach and Partial Reclamation, returns it to the ARIN Advisory Council for further consideration.”

This was seconded by Scott Bradner. The Chair called for discussion. Counsel advised the Board to also let the AC know whether they have the authority to accept changes without sending the proposal to the upcoming ARIN Public Policy Meeting in October. The Board concurred.

The motion carried unanimously via roll call vote.

Lee Howard stated he would work with AC on the language.

4. Acceptance of the 2007 Audit Report

Tabled until the next Board meeting.

5. Impaneling Nomination Committee (NomCom) for the ARIN Election of the Board of Trustees

Discussed above.

6. Legacy RSA for Federal Government Agencies

Tabled until the next Board meeting.

7. Participation in ARIN Elections

ARIN recently ran a week-long survey, asking DMRs and Admin POCs of member organizations ten questions related to their participation in the ARIN election process.

Discussion ensued on how to increase the number of people who vote in ARIN elections, in lieu of increasing the percentage of the return rate. The Chair wanted to see an increase in people actually voting.
Bill Woodcock suggested, for the long term, to allow any ARIN resource recipient to register to vote and only registered voters will be afforded membership and voting rights.

After discussion it was decided that ARIN staff would undertake reaching the members who did not vote in the last election in an effort to get them to vote in the next election this year.

8. Actions from the ARIN Board Workshop

The Board met previous this day and held a workshop. Resulting Board actions from this activity follow below.

A) Adoption of Anti-Takeover Committee Report.

Lee Howard moved:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees accepts the Report of the Anti-Takeover Committee, and directs the President to begin implementation.”

Scott Bradner noted that implementation could not be done at this time. The Board could only accept the report if they decided to do so.

Lee Howard amended his motion and moved:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees accepts the Report of the Anti-Takeover Committee, and dissolves the Committee.”

This was seconded by SB. The Chair called for discussion. There were no comments. The Chair thanked the committee for their work.

The motion carried with no objections.

Scott Bradner moved:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees directs Staff to ascertain, from the Board’s Workshop discussion, what the implementation process would be for the supported portions of the Report of the Anti-Takeover Committee.”

This was seconded by Lee Howard. The Chair called for discussion. The Board then reviewed and determined their consensus status of each item in the report. Ray Plzak noted that they had one year to implement the supported items, thus they may not be implemented by next Board meeting.

The Chair called for any further discussion. There were no comments.

The motion carried with no objections.

B) Future Board Meeting. The President stated that the next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be held during the ARIN meeting Los Angeles.

Lee Howard stated that due to the editing of Policy Proposal 2007-17, the Board will have to have an early August teleconference to discuss it, and the 2008 Auditors Report. He suggested that the Board also hold another workshop to further discuss topics in more detail.

The President was tasked with providing available dates in August to the Board.

9. Any Other Business

The Chair called for any other business. There were no comments.

10. Adjournment

The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 5:11 p.m. PDT. Scott Bradner moved to adjourn, and this was seconded by Bill Woodcock. The motion carried unanimously.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.