Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 10 August 2015 [Archived]


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Itasca, Illinois


  • Vint Cerf, Chair

  • Paul Andersen, Treasurer / Vice Chair

  • John Curran, President & CEO

  • Timothy Denton, Secretary

  • Aaron Hughes, Trustee

  • Bill Sandiford, Trustee

  • Bill Woodcock, Trustee

Note Taker:

  • Thérèse Colosi

ARIN Staff:

  • Nate Davis, COO


  • Stephen Ryan, Esq

The Chair asked the Board if there were any objections to conducting this meeting that was to be held 11 August 2015. There were no objections to conducting the meeting at this time.

1. Welcome & Agenda Review

The Chair called the meeting to reorder at 2:16 p.m. CDT. The presence of quorum was noted. There were no comments with regard to the agenda as written.

2. Approval of the Minutes

It was moved by Paul Andersen and seconded by Bill Sandiford, that:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees approves the Minutes of as written.”

The Chair called for discussion. There were no comments.

The motion carried with no objections.

3. Adoption of the ARIN 2016-2017 Strategic Plan

The President requested to move this item to the end of the Agenda to allow time for the revisions to the Plan to be made that had been previously recommended in the Board’s earlier workshop. The Chair agreed.

4. Business Insurance Review

Mr. Ryan Smethurst, from ARIN’s retained law firm, McDermott, Will and Emery (MWE), presented an overview via teleconference regarding ARIN’s insurance policies and their application. He discussed reasons for considering increasing the limits on the Professional Liability policy to better cover any potential claim expenses, and also to obtain higher deductibles where available. ARIN’s General Counsel, Steve Ryan, mentioned that increasing the coverage limits and changing the policies were under discussion with the broker, and could potentially be implemented prior to January 2016.

It was the sense of the Board that the President proceeds with this effort. The Chair also noted that ’layering’ coverage might be useful. The COO indicated that these changes would be further researched and be included in the proposed 2016 budget.

The Board also agreed that the President has the authority to move forward with any coverage changes at the increased cost levels projected without further Board approval.

5. ARIN Office Facility Briefing

The COO provided an overview to the Board on the costs and considerations for relocating ARIN’s office, due to an increase in staff and the resulting lack of suitable space in the current location. After discussion, the President stated he would come back to the Board with additional clarifying financial details, per the Board’s request. The Board thanked the COO for the presentation.

6. IRR Route Validation Consultation

The President noted that there had been an IRR for some time in the ARIN region, but it was one of many, and not as popular as other IRR services for the other RIRs. The President stated ARIN’s routing registry was based on an older version of RIPE’s IRR code base, but that differing architectures made difficult the use of external code and of interfacing it to existing systems. A consultation had been submitted for ARIN membership’s feedback on whether a new IRR was needed, including questions about the functionality of any new IRR development. The President reviewed the positive response of the ARIN community to the project and the potential level of effort needed to undertake it. The President asked the Board for their sense of whether or not to move forward with this project.

Aaron Hughes suggested it would be useful to have a global IRR software toolkit that would allow people to more easily interface to the IRRs. He strongly believed this could be accomplished by gathering a select few individuals who were very knowledgeable in developing this type of software, many of whom he personally knew.

The President stated that ARIN intended to perform cross-RIR validation. Bill Woodcock suggested identifying the individuals to do this, funding their travel and accommodation to Washington DC in the next 8-12 weeks, and holding such a meeting per Mr. Hughes’ suggestion. The President requested that Mr. Hughes provide him a draft of the invitation for distribution.

Bill Woodcock stated that one of the deliverables would be a draft Request For Comment (RFC). For clarity, the President asked what the RFC would be for, specifically. Bill replied that it would be for a modernized RPSL Interchange Format. Aaron Hughes added it would also be for ease of filtering, based on IRR validation. Bill Woodcock further suggested an API, or protocol, that data will move back and forth.

It was the sense of the Board to proceed in this direction.

The Chair requested discussion of item 8 at this time for expediency.

8. ARIN Board January 2016 Business Meeting

It was decided that the Board’s first meeting of 2016 take place in Santa Monica, CA on 11 & 12 January, ending at Noon on 12 January.

7. IANA Stewardship Transition Update

The President provided an update on the current status of the IANA Stewardship Transition planning efforts. He discussed the current status of the Service Level Agreement for IANA Numbering services. The President explained that the second draft has been released, and that public comment will close at the end of August.

8. ARIN Board January 2016 Business Meeting

Previously discussed.

Counsel stated that there was no update at this time.

The Chair stated that item 3, Adoption of the ARIN 2016-2017 Strategic Plan, would be discussed on the Board’s mailing list.

10. Any Other Business

The Chair called for any other business. There were no comments.

11. Adjournment

The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 4:03 p.m. CDT. Paul Andersen moved to adjourn, seconded by Timothy Denton. The meeting adjourned with no objections.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.