Organization Points of Contact [Archived]


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Posted: Friday, 18 April 2003

In an effort to ensure that all organizations registered in ARIN’s database have accurate, updated Point of Contact information, ARIN is stepping up its efforts towards accomplishing this goal.

As announced at the ARIN XI public policy meeting in Memphis, TN last week, effective May 1, 2003, all templates that are submitted to ARIN that refer to a specific ORG ID must have both an organization Administrative and an organization Technical POC associated with it. Please keep in mind that these POCs can be the same person.

The templates that will be affected by this change will be the Net-ISP, Net-End User, Netmod, ASN-Mod, Net-Name Change, Reallocate and Reassign-Detailed.

Further information about Points of Contact in the ARIN database can be found in the “Understanding ARIN’s Database and Templates” computer-based training module: .

For access to the appropriate templates, go to: .

Please contact [email protected] with any questions you may have.

Thank you.

Registration Services
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)


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