Deadline for Policy Proposals - 7 February 2008 [Archived]


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Posted: Tuesday, 08 January 2008

The ARIN XXI Public Policy Meeting will take place 7-8 April 2008 in Denver. New policy proposals must be submitted by 23:59 EST, 7 February 2008, in order to be considered by the ARIN Advisory Council for possible inclusion on the ARIN XXI agenda. The ARIN Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process requires that proposed policies must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the meeting.

Those who wish to propose new ARIN number resource policies or modifications to existing policies must submit a Policy Proposal Template. Send the template via email to [email protected].

The Policy Proposal Template can be found at:

The ARIN Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process can be found at:


Member Services
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)


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