Remote Participation Features at ARIN XXIV [Archived]


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Posted: Thursday, 06 August 2009

If you are unable to attend ARIN XXIV in person, please join us online by registering as a remote participant and take advantage of this opportunity to contribute to policy discussions and other meeting sessions. Follow the “Register for ARIN XXIV” link at and choose “ARIN XXIV Remote Participant” from the drop-down menu.

Before you register as a remote meeting participant, make sure you have a Jabber Identifier (JID). You will need to provide your JID on the remote participation registration form in order to log in to the meeting chat rooms. To learn more about the remote participation services, including specific details on how to get started and schedules, please go to:

Before the meeting, be sure to download the meeting materials, which will be available online. Use the meeting program, discussion guide, and other meeting support documents to help you follow along.

Registration is not required to view the webcast or live transcript, but as a registered remote participant, you will be able to submit comments for moderated presentation during normal question and answer periods, and “raise your hand” to be counted during polling. All remote participants are subject to the Remote Participation Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Complete information about remote participation is available at the link above.

Whether you plan to be on-site or taking part remotely, we look forward to and appreciate your participation at ARIN XXIV.

Please contact Member Services at [email protected] if you have any questions.


Member Services Department
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.