ARIN Research Opportunity [Archived]
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Posted: Friday, 07 August 2009
The American Registry for Internet Numbers’ Board of Trustees recently ratified changes to ARIN’s Transfer Policy, Number Resource Policy Manual, Section 8 - Transfers. Section 8.3 specifically allows organizations to release Internet Number resources to another organization subject to guidelines as stated in the policy. This policy change combined with the continued depletion of Regional Internet Registry (RIR) available IPv4 address space may create a market condition in which bidders, organizations that need IPv4 address space, competitively make offers, for available IPv4 address space, to sellers. Under these conditions, it is assumed that sellers may seek the highest dollar value for their available address space.
Understanding these potential market conditions, ARIN is requesting research analysis and a report on potential market pricing for IPv4 address space in increments commonly allocated by the RIRs (/22, /21, /20…/ 16..). The research analysis and report should focus on the period near and through IPv4 exhaustion when competitive conditions may result in maximum prices that bidders are willing to offer for IPv4 address space. Research should consider and report all conditions that may influence the market conditions and impact on pricing throughout the period in which the RIRs cannot meet demand well beyond exhaustion, until market equilibrium is achieved. ARIN is seeking innovative thought from an established economics and market researcher with a proven record of analyzing and predicting future market characteristics, specifically in market pricing. Ideally, the researcher would have experience in establishing new markets as well. ARIN requires a new research effort, not simply a review of similar studies that may have been done and/or are currently underway. ARIN may request the researcher to update the pricing analysis as conditions change over time.
The ARIN Board of Trustees will use the results of this research to determine changes in strategic direction, operating plan objectives, and may share with the Internet community and other interested parties for policy evaluation and consideration.
Please submit your proposal for the research referenced above to [email protected] following ARIN’s Policy Guidelines for Research Projects.
John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
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