Call for Nominations: NRO NC ARIN Region [Archived]
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Posted: Monday, 12 July 2010
This is an open call for nominations from the ARIN region to fill one (1) seat on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council that becomes vacant with the expiration of Jason Schiller’s term on 31 December 2010. Candidates must be willing to serve a three (3) year term beginning 1 January 2011. Incumbents may be re-elected for consecutive terms.
Any individual residing within the ARIN service region may be nominated, with the exception of Regional Internet Registry staff members. Self-nominations are permitted. Please note that the NRO Number Council representatives now fulfill the role of ICANN’s ASO Address Council. Responsibilities of NRO NC representatives are outlined in the ASO Memorandum of Understanding .
All NRO NC nominees from the ARIN region are subject to the Nomination and Appointment Conflict of Interest List published at:
If you are interested in nominating yourself or any other individual as a member of the Number Council, visit ARIN Election Headquarters to fill out the nomination form.
Nominations will be accepted until 17:00 ET on Monday, 9 August 2010. ARIN will contact all nominees via email and/or telephone to verify that they are willing and able to fulfill a three-year term. If ARIN cannot reach the nominee, the nomination will not be accepted.
Direct any questions concerning this process to Member Services at [email protected]. Information on the NRO NC can be found at
Communications and Member Services
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.