2011 ARIN Board and Advisory Council Election Results [Archived]


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Posted: Friday, 28 October 2011

Timothy Denton and Bill Woodcock have been re-elected to the ARIN Board of Trustees. Each will serve a three-year term commencing 1 January 2012.

The ARIN Board of Trustees congratulates Tim and Bill.

The Board thanks Rudolph Daniel, Aaron Hughes, and Jack Waters for their participation as candidates in the election and encourages their continued participation in the ARIN community.

ARIN would also like to congratulate the individuals elected to the ARIN Advisory Council: Kevin Blumberg was elected, and Dan Alexander, Bill Darte, David Farmer, and John Sweeting were all re-elected to the ARIN Advisory Council. All five will serve three-year terms commencing 1 January 2012.

The ARIN Board of Trustees thanks Randy Carpenter, Marc Crandall, Kate Do Forno, Robert Duncan, and Randy Whitney for their participation as candidates in the election and looks forward to their continued involvement in ARIN’s activities. The Board would also like to thank Marc Crandall for his service and contributions during his term as a member of the Advisory Council.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

Nomination Process

In accordance with the ARIN Bylaws:

  • Call for ARIN Board of Trustees and Advisory Council nominations went out to ARIN members via the [email protected] mailing list and ARIN’s website.
  • Nominations closed at the specified date and time.
  • Nominees for the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council were put forth to the general membership.
  • Candidate biographies were posted to the ARIN website.
  • Each candidate was given an opportunity to address the ARIN membership at the ARIN XXVIII Public Policy and Members Meeting in Philadelphia, PA on 12 October 2011.

Election Process

In accordance with the ARIN Bylaws:

  • Online voting for General Members in good standing began 12 October 2011, at 5:00 PM ET.
  • Voting closed ten days later on 22 October 2011, at 5:00 PM ET.
  • All online votes were required to be confirmed.
  • The votes were tallied by ARIN President John Curran, ARIN Board Member Paul Andersen, and ARIN Counsel Stephen Ryan.
  • The results are provided below. The election process and results have been verified according to the requirements in the ARIN Bylaws.
Board of Trustees Election Results
Board of Trustees Candidates Total Count Elected
Rudolph Daniel 62
Timothy Denton 245 Elected
Aaron Hughes 193
Jack Waters 147
Bill Woodcock 219 Elected
Total Votes Cast 866
Advisory Council Election Results
Advisory Council Candidates Total Count Elected
Dan Alexander 238 Elected
Kevin Blumberg 216 Elected
Randy Carpenter 156
Marc Crandall 207
Bill Darte 284 Elected
Kate Do Forno 190
Robert Duncan 174
David Farmer 249 Elected
John Sweeting 234 Elected
Randy Whitney 150
Total Votes Cast 2,098

In addition, 3 blank ballots were cast in the Board of Trustees Election, and 2 blank ballots were cast in the Advisory Council Election.

2011 Voter Statistics

4,047 ARIN members as of 27 September 2011

3,262 Eligible voters* as of 27 September 2011

*ARIN members in good standing with properly registered Designated Member Representatives on record 1 January 2011

463 unique member organizations cast a ballot in the Board of Trustees election.

487 unique member organizations cast a ballot in the Advisory Council election.

493 unique member organizations cast a ballot in either the Board of Trustees or Advisory Council election


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.