2017 ARIN Election Results [Archived]


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Posted: Monday, 16 October 2017

The results for the 2017 ARIN Elections are in. ARIN wishes to congratulate those elected to serve on the ARIN Board of Trustees and ARIN Advisory Council.

Dan Alexander and Nancy Carter have been elected to the ARIN Board of Trustees. Each will serve a three-year term commencing 1 January 2018. The ARIN Board of Trustees acknowledges and thanks Leslie Daigle and Stephen Lee for their participation in this year’s elections and looks forward to their ongoing involvement in the ARIN community.

On behalf of the ARIN Board of Trustees, I would like to recognize outgoing Board member Bill Woodcock. Bill served the ARIN membership and community with passion and energy for 15 years and we sincerely thank him for his dedication and service. I would also note the end of Merike Kaeo’s term as one-year appointee on the Board of Trustees, and we thank her for her service.

Andrew Dul, David Farmer, Leif Sawyer, Chris Tacit and Chris Woodfield have been re-elected to serve three-year terms on the Advisory Council beginning 1 January 2018. The ARIN Board of Trustees acknowledges and thanks Paul Emmons, Joseph Karam, Elford Parsons, Kerrie-Ann Richards, and Alicia Trotman for their participation as candidates in this year’s election and also looks forward to their continued involvement in the ARIN community.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

Nomination Process

In accordance with the ARIN Bylaws:

  • The Call for ARIN Board of Trustees and Advisory Council nominations went out to ARIN Members via the [email protected] mailing list and ARIN’s website.
  • ARIN nominations for the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council closed at a specified date and time as publicly announced and included the opportunity for the receipt of nominations by petition.
  • The President notified the Membership of the initial and final slate of candidates for the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council. This included emailing the initial and final slate of candidates to eligible General Members in Good Standing Voting Contacts.
  • Candidate biographies were posted to the ARIN website.
  • Each candidate was provided an opportunity to address the ARIN Membership at the ARIN 40 Public Policy and Members Meeting in San Jose, CA on 5 October 2017.

Election Process

In accordance with the ARIN Bylaws:

  • ARIN President, John Curran, certified a list of eligible voters and Chair of the Board of Trustees, Paul Andersen, confirmed the President’s review
  • Online voting for General Members in Good Standing began 5 October 2017 at 6:00 PM EDT.
  • Voting closed eight days later on 13 October 2017 at 6:00 PM EDT.
  • All online votes were confirmed.
  • Quorum was achieved as the number of ballots cast exceeded 5% of the total eligible voters.
  • The adherence to the approved voting procedure and the vote tally were confirmed by ARIN President and CEO, John Curran, ARIN Board of Trustees Chair, Paul Andersen, and ARIN General Counsel, Stephen Ryan.
  • The results are provided below. The election process and results have been verified according to the requirements of the ARIN Bylaws.
Board of Trustees Election Results
Board of Trustees Candidates Total Count Percentage Elected
1 Nancy Carter 335 54.4% Elected
2 Dan Alexander 316 51.3% Elected
3 Leslie Daigle 262 42.5%
4 Stephen Lee 202 32.8%

Number of voters: 485 (on behalf of 616 organizations)
Percentage voted: 11.9% of total voters (13.9% of total organizations)

Advisory Council Election Results
Advisory Council Candidates Total Count Percentage Elected
1 Leif Sawyer 320 51.3% Elected
2 David Farmer 314 50.3% Elected
3 Andrew Dul 307 49.2% Elected
4 Chris Woodfield 300 48.1% Elected
5 Chris Tacit 293 47.0% Elected
6 Alicia Trotman 277 44.4%
7 Kerrie-Ann Richards 242 38.8%
8 Paul Emmons 203 32.5%
9 Joseph Karam 162 26.0%
10 Elford Parsons 130 20.8%

Number of voters: 491 (on behalf of 624 organizations)
Percentage voted: 12.0% of total voters (14.1% of total organizations)

2017 Voter Statistics

  • 5,626 ARIN Members as of 20 August 2017
  • 4,418 Eligible Voting Organizations* as of 20 August 2017
  • ARIN Board of Trustees election: 485 voters on behalf of 616 unique member organizations cast a ballot in the ARIN Board of Trustees election
  • ARIN Advisory Council election: 491 voters on behalf of 624 unique member organizations cast a ballot in the ARIN Advisory Council election

* ARIN Member Organizations in Good Standing with a properly registered Voting Contact on record as of 20 August 2017.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.