ASO Review Consultation 2018 [Archived]
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Posted: Thursday, 01 February 2018
As a part of the Number Resource Organization (NRO), ARIN is seeking community input on the NRO community consultation on the ASO review.
“The most recent ASO Review concluded with 18 recommendations, which the NRO has resolved to accept. The first 17 recommendations are well defined and practical, and can be implemented by actions of the NRO Secretariat, or of the ASO Address Council, with respect to administrative procedures, documentation, or in some cases adjustments to agreements which are expected to be non-controversial.
The 18th recommendation of the Report is that “The NRO should initiate a public consultation, involving the five RIR communities, to determine the future structure of the ASO”. The NRO EC has concluded to accept that recommendation and is hereby launching a consultation on the issues identified in the ASO Review Report.”
The full Consultation is available for review at:
Issues to Address:
The scope of this consultation includes the structural implications of issues identified by the ASO Review, including but not limited to:
- Any updates and adjustments identified as required for ASO-related documents
- Any procedural clarifications and adjustments identified
- Reported confusion of roles between ASO and NRO, and their components
- Perceived complexity of relationships among NRO, ASO and ICANN
- Relevance and cost to the RIRs of various ICANN engagement activities
Out of the Scope of this consultation are the following aspects:
- Global Policy Development Process (GPDP)
- ASO AC role with GPDP
Specific Questions:
The NRO EC is looking to specific answer to the following questions:
- What adjustments, if any, should be made in order to address the issues described above?
- Should adjustments be limited to NRO MoU, ASO MoU, and/or ICANN Bylaws
- Over what timeframes should these adjustments be developed and implemented
- What strategic aspects should we pay attention to when considering these adjustments?
Please provide comments to [email protected]. All ARIN community feedback will be forwarded on to the NRO. You can subscribe to this mailing list at:
This consultation will remain open through 5:00 PM EST on Wednesday, 28 February 2018.
John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
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