Call for Nominations Extended for Board and Advisory Council [Archived]


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Posted: Thursday, 08 July 2021

By request of the 2021 Nomination Committee, ARIN has extended the Call for Nominations for the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council. Nominations will now be accepted through 5:00 PM EDT on Friday, 16 July 2021 to fill two seats on the ARIN Board of Trustees and seven seats on the Advisory Council.

Contribute to the ARIN community by verifying the eligibility requirements for nominators and nominees and submitting a nomination for a qualified individual today! To submit a nomination, use one of the links below:

Nominator Requirements

ARIN Trustees and representatives from General Members in Good Standing may make up to three nominations for each open position on the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council. Eligible individuals may nominate anyone, including themselves. Nominees are not required to have an affiliation with an ARIN Member.

If you are not an ARIN Trustee or a representative from a Member in Good Standing, the members of the NomCom may assist in submitting a nomination on your behalf – either as a nomination of yourself or someone you know whom you believe is qualified. Simply send an email to [email protected] with the name and contact information (phone and email) of the person you wish to nominate – but as time is limited, don’t wait!

Nominee Requirements

To view requirements, expected qualifications, and/or responsibilities for these elected positions, please visit:

All nominees must confirm that they qualify and are willing to serve if elected and that they do not violate the Nomination and Appointment Conflict of Interest List found at:

All nominees must officially accept their nomination and submit their completed nominee questionnaire before 5:00 PM ET on Friday, 16 July, when the extension of the Call for Nominations closes. ARIN strongly discourages last minute nominations since there may not be adequate time for a nominee to be notified, accept their nomination, and/or complete and submit their questionnaire.

For more information about ARIN Elections, the 2021 Election Calendar, or details of the ARIN Election processes, please visit:


Jason Byrne
Senior Customer Success Analyst
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.