Vote Now in the 2021 ARIN Elections [Archived]
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Posted: Thursday, 04 November 2021
Eligible Voting Contacts from General Members in Good Standing may now cast online ballots in the 2021 ARIN Elections to fill two seats on the ARIN Board of Trustees, seven seats on the ARIN Advisory Council, and one seat on the NRO Number Council. Ballots may be cast now through 5:00 PM EST, Friday, 12 November.
To vote, simply log in to ARIN Online with a user account associated with a voting contact for an eligible Member in Good Standing and look for the “Vote Now” link on your dashboard. Additional instructions are available at
For information about the candidates, there are several options:
- You may view video of candidate speeches and review statements of support and candidate questionnaire responses at
- Read the collected candidate biographies in the ARIN Elections 2020 Voter Guide at - At there are links to view the Board and Advisory Council Candidate Forums that took place during the ARIN 48 Election Forum on 25 October.
Statements of Support are still open for submissions through 12 November. To view or submit a Statement of Support, please visit the link above. Anyone, regardless of voter status, is eligible to submit a Statement of Support for a candidate.
During the week of 8 – 12 November, all eligible Voting Contacts will receive regular email reminders and may receive a personal call from an ARIN representative reminding them to please vote. Those who have already voted should not receive any further reminders.
As the voting contact for an eligible member organization, participation in ARIN Elections requires only minutes of your time and is not only a key member responsibility but is an opportunity to shape the future of ARIN, our community, and the Internet.
For questions about voting, or if you encounter an issue with the election system, please contact us immediately at [email protected]. You may also submit a question via ARIN Online and direct it to Meetings/Elections. Thank you for your participation in the 2021 ARIN Elections!
Jason Byrne
Senior Customer Success Analyst
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.