The 2022 Slate of Candidates for ARIN Elections [Archived]


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Posted: Friday, 14 October 2022

The 2022 ARIN Slate of Candidates has been amended to reflect that Jeremy Bernick has withdrawn as a candidate from the election for the Advisory Council.

Candidates for ARIN Elections

ARIN Elections will be held online from Thursday, 20 October 2022, through 7:00 PM EDT on Friday, 28 October 2022. These elections will fill three open seats on the Board of Trustees and five open seats on the Advisory Council (AC). The 2022 Nomination Committee has put forward the following candidates with classification for the terms that begin on 1 January 2023:

Board of Trustees Candidates:

  • Naseem Bawa, Self-Employed (Qualified)
  • Ron da Silva, Network Technologies Global (Qualifications not Demonstrated)
  • Muhammad Adeel Javaid, SAEM Consulting (Qualifications not Demonstrated)
  • Hank Kilmer, Cogent Communications, Inc. (Well Qualified)
  • Bill Sandiford, Self-Employed (Well Qualified)
  • Robert Seastrom, Capital One / ClueTrust (Qualified)
  • William Sylvester, Addrex, Inc. (Qualified)

Advisory Council Candidates:

  • Jawaid Bazyar, Vero Broadband (Qualified)
  • Douglas Camin, Coordinated Care Services, Inc. (Qualified)
  • Gerry George, SLICTA - Saint Lucia (Well Qualified)
  • Brian Jones, Virginia Tech (Well Qualified)
  • Kendrick Knowles, Knowles Consulting Group (Qualified)
  • Gus Reese, Cogent Communications Inc. (Qualified)
  • Alison Wood, State of Oregon (Well Qualified)

A compilation of candidate biographies and questionnaire responses is available at:

Per the updated election processes for 2022 (see our blog post from earlier in the year), there are important changes affecting the Slate of Candidates. Each candidate for the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council, listed above, has a classification next to their name. The candidates were assessed by the Nomination Committee (NomCom) based on the attributes outlined in the guidance letters from the Board and Advisory Council and according to the rubrics established in the NomCom Charter. Every nominee is put forward on the slate unless the NomCom assesses a nominee as “Unable to Qualify.” No nominees were assessed as unable to qualify this year. Eight nominations were received for the Advisory Council and seven were received for the Board; all are present on the Slate of Candidates.

You are encouraged to submit and view Statements of Support for the candidates at: Please note that all Statements of Support are automatically held for moderation and will be posted, upon approval, within one business day. All submissions are subject to the Statements of Support Acceptable Use Policy.

All candidates for the Board and AC will be offered the ability to subscribe to the General Members Mailing List to answer questions from the voting community. If your organization is a General Member at ARIN and plans to vote this year, we encourage you to join the mailing list as well to keep informed of ARIN Election activity. Candidates will also be offered the opportunity to travel to ARIN 50 to meet attendees and address the meeting in a short speech.


As only nominees who were not advanced to the Slate of Candidates may submit a petition, this roster is both the Initial and Final Slate.

We hope you will join us in offering congratulations and wishing good luck to this year’s candidates. ARIN acknowledges and appreciates the time and commitment that these candidates are willing to make toward ensuring the vitality and growth of ARIN, the community, and the Internet. ARIN also extends thanks and appreciation to the members of the NomCom and their hard work in adapting to a new process and undertaking evaluations of all of our candidates.

For questions related to the election process, please email [email protected].


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)


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