Slap and Snap: Submit Your IPv6 Photos Today [Archived]
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It’s time to slap and snap. Slap an IPv6 sticker on what you hope will be IPv6 enabled in the next five years or on the most unusual place to see IPv6 and snap a photo of it. Upload your photo at Flickr, join our group, and you could win prizes! It’s that easy.
If you haven’t picked up an IPv6 sticker at one of our ARIN booths, that ok, print out this IPv6 “sticker” instead.
Once you have your IPv6 sticker, take a photo of that sticker on an object in one of the following categories:
We are looking for photos that are creative, original, appropriate, and that adhere to the category. The photograph submission period will only be open from 2-16 May, so get your IPv6 slapping and snapping started today.
Make sure to check out our Where in the World is IPv6? Contest Page for more information about how to enter and for the official Rules, Terms, and Conditions.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.