IPv6 on show at The Cable Show [Archived]
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ARIN was busy spreading the word about IPv6 at The Cable Show in Boston, MA last week. The cable industry has not been overly saturated with messages of IPv4 depletion and the importance for IPv6 adoption, so it was important for ARIN to carry the message directly to those who still need to hear it. Many attendees at the show were interested to learn more about the urgency of transitioning to IPv6 for the future growth of their business and that now is the time to deploy IPv6.
The Cable Show brought together content providers and cable operators alike, many of whom stopped by our booth in the exhibit hall. Most everyone had at least heard of IPv6. Some asked questions. Some told us about their own experiences with IPv6. The best part? - Almost everyone wanted to know more.
With IPv4 address space so close to depletion, an IPv6 game plan is more important than ever. Fortunately, ARIN has the resources you need to help you get on your way. Check out our IPv6 Educational Materials and our hands-on IPv6 wiki where you can find answers to questions like What is IPv6? How do I Prepare for IPv6? And How do I Implement and Manage IPv6?
And just like the Consumer Electronics Show and Interop Las Vegas, we went to The Cable Show armed with pedometer giveaways to remind everyone once they stepped away from the booth they ought to “take a step toward IPv6.”
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.