Meet the Candidates for the 2013 ARIN Elections [Archived]
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With ARIN 32 in Phoenix just around the corner, it is just about time for ARIN elections. There are three distinct elections this year—one for the Board of Trustees, one for the Advisory Council (AC) and one for the NRO Number Council. The initial slate of candidates has been announced and you can now read their biographies and cast a statement of support right here at TeamARIN.
Get to Know the Candidates
All the candidates completed a questionnaire to help you learn more about them and their position on issues facing the ARIN community. This year candidates told us their thoughts on items like:
What is ARIN’s role, if any, in promoting IPv6 adoption?
What are ARIN’s greatest challenges and how do you see ARIN addressing them?
What is your position on the multi-stakeholder Internet governance?
Take the time to read through their answers and to get to know where they coming from and use this information to inform your voting decision.
If you already know a candidate, and think they’d be a good fit for the position, consider leaving a public statement of support for them. Your insights can help other voters determine how they should cast their ballot. Likewise you can read statements of support for each candidate directly below their answers to the questionnaire.
Before we send you off to learn more about our candidates, please give us the chance to introduce them to you.
Meet the 2013 Candidates (* = incumbent)
Here you have them. Your 2013 initial slate of candidates.
_Board of Trustees—**_**There are two seats open on the Board and four candidates running, including:
Dr. Vinton (Vint) Cerf, Google *
David Huberman, Microsoft Corporation
Bernadette Lewis, Caribbean Telecommunications Union
Bill Sandiford, Telnet Communications
**Advisory Council—**There are five seats open and eight candidates running, including:
Cathy Aronson, Daydream Imagery LLC *
Owen Delong, Hurricane Electric *
Andrew Dul, 8 Continents Networks LLC
Jesse Geddis, LA Broadband
Chris Grundemann, CableLabs *
Scott Leibrand, Limelight Networks *
Tina Morris, Bright House Networks
Milton Mueller, Syracuse University School of Information Studies *
**NRO Number Council—**There is one seat open and two candidates running, including:
Devon Gayle, National Water Commission of Jamaica
Jason Schiller, Google *
Get to know each of these candidates today by visiting each of their profiles now. It’s never too early to think about who you’ll be voting for this October.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.