Discussing Governance of the Internet [Archived]
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By Jennifer Bly, Public Relations and Social Media Coordinator, ARIN
The Internet is a victim of its own success due to its complex, global nature. At first the Internet was just made to work, but now it is growing up. Governments are wondering how to fulfill their traditional responsibilities and how to deal with this technology that has transformed almost every aspect of our world.
At the most recent NANOG meeting, an expert panel touched on the subject of Internet governance from an outline of current events to how to get involved. The focus of panel centered on transitioning the oversight of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions (for some background info, check out our IANA Globalization page).
Participants in the panel included moderator: Paul Brigner, North America Regional Bureau Director at ISOC. Panelists: John Curran, President and CEO at ARIN; Scott Mansfield, Lead Architect at Ericsson; Alissa Cooper, Distinguished Engineer at Cisco Systems; Mehmet Akcin, Internet Evangelist at Microsoft
Watch the full webcast here:
Since the panel was conducted for an audience of network operators, the conversation heavily emphasized how everyone, including members of the technical community, have an opportunity to get involved to share their unique perspectives and to ground discussions in facts.
Coming up soon are several regional and international Internet Governance Forums you may have the opportunity to participate in. From the ARIN region, in July will be the IGF USA and in August the Caribbean IGF. In September the global annual IGF will be held in Istanbul, Turkey. These are important meetings at the crossroads of the communities who comprise the Internet stakeholder groups - including government, the technical community, and civil society. Follow along with us and explore your opportunities to participate by visiting ARIN’s Internet Governance Resource Center.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.