ARIN 32 Public Policy Meeting Notes - Thursday, 10 October 2013 [Archived]
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.
Opening and Announcements
Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
John began the first day of the ARIN 32 Public Policy Meeting by introducing those present from the ARIN Board of Trustees, the ARIN Advisory Council, and the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council. He also acknowledged colleagues from the other Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) in attendance and introduced ARIN’s management team and ARIN/NANOG Meeting Fellowship recipients. John continued with the following announcements:
- 177 total registered ARIN attendees, including 15 from Canada, 139 from the United States, three from the Caribbean, and 20 from outside the ARIN region. There were 17 registered remote participants.
- Thanks to Gila River Telecommunications and PhoenixNAP for sponsorship of the network at ARIN 32 and to Google for its sponsorship of the webcast.
- Invited Derek White from Gila River Telecommunications, Inc. to give a brief presentation.
- John discussed the First Timers’ Breakfast and held the First Timers’ Raffle, which was won by Leah Ungstad.
John reviewed the meeting rules, meeting agenda and the printed materials given to each attendee.
At the beginning of the meeting, approximately 120 people were in attendance. Vint Cerf moderated discussions throughout the day.
[ARIN offered the opportunity for remote participation throughout the meeting. Comments from remote participants are read aloud at the meeting and are integrated into the meeting report. There were approximately 20 individuals viewing the meeting webcast throughout the proceedings, and 17 registered remote participants.]
AC On-Docket Proposals Report
Speaker: John Sweeting, Chair, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
- Overview of ARIN draft policies
- ARIN 2013-4: RIR Principles can go to last call
- ARIN 2013-6: Allocation of IPv4 and IPv6 Address Space to Out-of-region Requestors is a work in progress
- ARIN 2013-7: Merge IPv4 ISP and End-User Requirements is a work in progress
- No current proposals on docket
There were no comments or questions from the floor following this presentation.
Regional PDP Report
Speaker: Einar Bohlin, ARIN Senior Policy Analyst
Presentation: PDF
- Overview of ARIN draft policies and proposals
- Shared topics among proposals and policies on a global scale
Questions and discussion highlights:
- Question regarding categorization of “Other” proposals
ARIN Customer Survey
Speaker: Richard Jimmerson, ARIN CIO
Presentation: PDF
- Overview and objectives of the survey
- Timeline of the survey, from RFP submissions to final survey report
- How to participate
Questions and discussion highlights:
- Discussion of instantaneous feedback being implemented within ARIN Online
ARIN-2013-4: RIR Principles
Introduction: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
Speaker: Owen DeLong, ARIN Advisory Council
Introduction: PDF
Presentation: PDF
Introduction highlights:
- Advisory Council shepherds: Bill Sandiford and Owen DeLong
- Origin: ARIN-prop-187 (April 2013)
- AC Shepherds: Chris Grundemann, Cathy Aronson, and Owen DeLong
- Accepted as Draft Policy – May
- Presented – ARIN PPC at NANOG 58 (June)
- Revised in July and August
- Staff assessment - September
- AC recommended adoption – September
- There is a similar proposal under discussion in LACNIC.
- Presentation of Staff Impact Analysis, Legal Review, Staff Comments, and overview of PPML discussion activity. [see presentation and transcript links above for details]
Owen DeLong presented the text and rationale of the draft policy.
- Overview of text changes
- Rationale for the proposal
- Staff and legal comments
- PPML discussion
Questions and discussion highlights (moderated by Vint Cerf):
- Concern regarding the stewardship section of the proposal and its shared language with RFC 7020
- Support of the proposal as a stepping stone to a similar global policy
- Concern that this proposal may threaten current terminology usage within the current NRPM
- Clarification regarding the proposal’s qualifications as a potential global policy proposal
- Concern regarding overarching principles being placed in NRPM
- Clarification regarding stewardship’s definition and principles
- Recap of RFC 7020’s text
At the end of discussion, Vint asked for a show of hands to determine those in favor and those against the proposal (remote participants were invited to participate). After the tally was conducted, Vint stated that this information would be provided to the Advisory Council for use in its deliberations.
ARIN-2013-6: Allocation of IPv4 and IPv6 Address Space to Out-of-region Requestors
Introduction: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
Speaker: David Farmer, ARIN Advisory Council
Introduction: PDF
Presentation: PDF
Introduction highlights:
- Origin: ARIN-prop-189 (May 2013)
- AC Shepherds: David Farmer, Bill Darte, and Milton Mueller
- Accepted as Draft Policy – June
- Revised - September
- Staff assessment – September
- Revised again - September
- There are similar proposals under discussion at AFRINIC and LACNIC.
- Presentation of Staff Impact Analysis, Legal Review, Staff Comments, and overview of PPML discussion activity. [see presentation and transcript links above for details]
David Farmer presented the text and rationale of the draft policy.
- Overview of text changes
- Rationale for the proposal
- Staff and legal comments
- PPML discussion
Questions and discussion highlights (moderated by Vint Cerf):
- Clarification of how complex networks may need to be canonically modeled
- Concern regarding the proposal’s impact on the depleting IPv4 free pool
- Support for accuracy of data and vetting of customers
- Clarification regarding End-user being confused with individual
- Concern with combining plurality and interconnection requirements
- Concern that if this proposal is supported, it may not be implemented fast enough to reach its potential usefulness
- Concern regarding limits placed on customers and their ability to take on new business
- Concern regarding lack of clarity in describing and defining ARIN-region customers
- Concern regarding regional jurisdiction over Internet number resource usage
- Clarification that this proposal does not simply codify current practices, but introduces restrictions that could make qualifying for Internet number resources difficult for many companies running global networks using anycast
At the end of discussion, Vint asked for a show of hands to determine those in favor and those against the Advisory Council continuing to work on the draft proposal (remote participants were invited to participate). After the tally was conducted Vint stated that this information would be provided to the Advisory Council for use in its deliberations.
Future ARIN Meetings
Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
Presentation: PDF
- Overview of ARIN’s integration with NANOG meetings
- Current meeting direction overview
- ARIN Meeting Direction survey
Questions and discussion highlights:
- Clarification regarding NANOG attendee day passes
- Show of hands for those attending only ARIN, and those attending both ARIN and NANOG
IANA Activities Report
Speaker: Leo Vegoda, ICANN
Presentation: PDF
- Overview of the ICANN portfolio management system
- IANA functions contract update on deliverables
- Root management performance standards reports
- Key Signing Key rollover
- EFQM External Assessment of the Department
Questions and discussion highlights:
- Commendation for IANA’s commitment to excellence
Speaker: Anne-Rachel Inne, AFRINIC
Presentation: PDF
- AFRINIC staff update
- Resources issued in Q3 2013
- Current ongoing activities
- AFRINIC core infrastructure reorganization
- Global infrastructure overview
- Policies under discussion
- Community development and partnerships
- Organizational challenges
- AFRINIC 19 preview
Questions and discussion highlights:
- Question regarding AFRINIC customers working around IP address allocation policies and restrictions
RIR Reports: APNIC
Speaker: Paul Wilson, APNIC
Presentation: PDF
- Overview of APNIC’s place in the Internet community
- Delegations from the final /8 of IPv4
- IPv4 transfers overview
- Inter-RIR transfers
- IPv6 and ASN delegations
- APNIC membership growth
- Whois update
- Policies under discussion in 2013
- APRICOT/APNIC Conference update
- APNIC Labs overview
- External Relations and Public Affairs
- IGF participation update
- APNIC 37, 38, and 39 preview
Questions and discussion highlights:
- Question regarding WhoWas implementation and how far back records will be available
- Clarification regarding two-byte ASN reclamation and replacement
- Support of systematically separating administrative and market transfers
Speaker: Elisa Peirano, LACNIC
Presentation: PDF
- Membership Update
- Resources Update
- IPv4 and IPv6 allocations and assignments
- RPKI deployment in
- FRIDA Program overview
- Ayitic Program overview
- Certv6 program launch overview
- LACNIC 19 overview
- LACNIC 20 and LACNOG preview
Questions and discussion highlights:
- Question regarding ARIN/LACNIC collaboration for Caribbean islands
- Praise for Haitian workshop efforts
- Question regarding the number of prefixes and organizations coming on board with RPKI
Speaker: Andrew de la Haye, RIPE NCC
Presentation: PDF
- Membership overview
- Adapting to the needs of RIPE NCC members
- IPv4 status since depletion
- Registration Services ticket volume
- IPv6 allocations
- Assisted Registry Check
- RPKI development
- RIPE Labs Recent Highlights
- New services being implemented
- Upcoming activities
There were no comments or questions from the floor following this presentation.
ARIN Board, Advisory Council, and NRO NC Election Procedures
Speaker: Jud Lewis, ARIN Membership Coordinator
Presentation: PDF
- Voting procedures and timeline for the Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, and NRO NC elections
- Elections are being held to fill two open seats on the Board of Trustees, six open seats on the Advisory Council, and one seat on the NRO Number Council.
- Biographies of each candidate as well as statements of support are available on the ARIN website.
- Video of candidate speeches will be posted to the ARIN website on 11 October, polls opened 10 Oct. at 5:00 PM ET.
- Voters must be the designated member representative (DMR) for an ARIN General Member in good standing. The deadline to establish voter eligibility was 12 August 2013.
- Election results will be announced no later than 27 October 2013 to the [email protected] mailing list and the ARIN website.
- ARIN Online voting procedures overview, and invited anyone with questions to visit the Election Help Desk or email [email protected] for assistance.
Candidate Speeches
NRO NC Candidate Speeches
Candidates were invited to state their qualifications in a short speech to the audience. Candidates who were present and spoke were (links to videos of each speech provided below):
- Jason Schiller, Google
- Devon Gayle, National Water Commission of Jamaica (was not present to speak, but provided a short statement that was read to attendees)
Advisory Council Candidate Speeches
All candidates were invited to state their qualifications in a short speech to the audience. Candidates who were present and spoke were (links to videos of each speech provided below):
- Cathy Aronson, Daydream Imagery LLC
- Owen DeLong, Hurricane Electric
- Andrew Dul, 8 Continents Networks LLC
- Jesse Geddis, LA Broadband
- Scott Leibrand, Limelight Networks
- Tina Morris, Bright House Networks
- Milton Mueller, Syracuse University School of Information Studies
Board of Trustees Candidate Speeches
Paul Vixie gave a brief speech regarding his departure from the Board. All candidates were invited to state their qualifications in a short speech to the audience. Candidates who were present and spoke were (links to videos of each speech provided below):
- Dr. Vinton (Vint) Cerf, Google
- David Huberman, Microsoft
- Bernadette Lewis, Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) (was not present to speak, but provided a short statement that was read to attendees)
- Bill Sandiford, Telnet Communications
ARIN-2013-7: Merge IPv4 ISP and End-User Requirements
Introduction: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
Speaker: Scott Leibrand, ARIN Advisory Council
Introduction: PDF
Presentation: PDF
Introduction highlights:
- Origin: ARIN-prop-190 (July 2013)
- AC Shepherds: Scott Leibrand and Bill Sandiford
- Accepted as Draft Policy – August
- There is a similar proposal under discussion in LACNIC.
- Presentation of Staff Impact Analysis, Legal Review, Staff Comments, and overview of PPML discussion activity. [see presentation and transcript links above for details]
Scott Leibrand presented the text the rationale of the draft policy.
- Overview of text changes
- Rationale for the proposal
- Staff and legal comments
- PPML discussion
Discussion highlights (moderated by Vint Cerf):
- Concern regarding large amount of changes without significant impact or benefit
- Clarification of the utilization rate timeline requirement
- Clarification regarding changing from three-month supply allocations to one-year supply allocations
- Concern regarding the complexity of the proposal and the amalgamation of changes proposed
- Concern regarding the lack of a clear, definite problem statement behind the proposals
At the end of discussion, Vint asked for a show of hands to determine those in favor and those against the Advisory Council continuing to work on the current proposal as written (remote participants were invited to participate). After the tally was conducted, Vint stated that this information would be provided to the Advisory Council for use in its deliberations.
NRO Activities Report
Speaker: Paul Wilson, Chair, NRO Executive Council
Presentation: PDF
- NRO Overview
- NRO Members
- ASO Overview
- NRO Finances
- ASO Review update
- Internet Governance Forum overview
- 2013 Correspondence
- Other developments
- NRO Vision and Mission Statement
Questions and discussion highlights:
- Question regarding Global Trust Anchor progress and discussions with ICANN
NRO NC Report
Speaker: Louie Lee, Chair, NRO Number Council
Presentation: PDF
- NRO NC and ASO AC overview
- Global policy development overview
- ASO AC activities Procedure updates
- ICANN Participation update
- ICANN Board Selection
Questions and discussion highlights:
- Clarification regarding global policy being communicated throughout multiple RIR mailing lists
Policy Implementation and Experience Report
Speaker: Leslie Nobile, Director, ARIN Registration Services
Presentation: PDF
- Purpose of the Policy Implementation and Experience Reports
- Multiple Discrete Networks
- 2-byte ASN policy
Questions and discussion highlights:
- Discussion of current ARIN staff practice working around missing Multiple Discrete Networks criteria
- Discussion regarding whether or not ARIN should change its current practice to issuing 4-byte ASNs by default
Discussion transcript: Part APart B
Open Policy Hour and Open Microphone
Moderator: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
- Fixing slow start issues for ISPs by allowing them to obtain initial kickstart space from ARIN
- Presentation by Jason Schiller regarding the RIR principles proposal under discussion in LACNIC
Closing Announcements and Adjournment
Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
John thanked Gila River Telecommunications and PhoenixNAP for sponsorship of the network at ARIN 32 and Google for its sponsorship of the webcast. After briefing attendees on the evening’s social event, John adjourned the meeting for the day.
Network Sponsors
Webcast Sponsor
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.