ARIN 42 Members Meeting Transcript - Friday, 5 October 2018 [Archived]


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Please Note: This transcript may contain errors due to errors in transcription or in formatting it for posting. Therefore, the material is presented only to assist you, and is not an authoritative representation of discussion at the meeting. If additional clarification and details are required, videos from our original webcast are available on our YouTube channel.

For an executive summary of this day of the meeting, read the daily digest on the TeamARIN website.

Members Meeting - Opening Announcements

John Curran: Okay. We’re now going to open up the ARIN Member Meeting. And I will start that out. Again, this meeting is open to everyone. You do not have to be an ARIN member.

We’re going to have departmental updates. We’ll have the Advisory Council Report. We’ll have a Financial Report. We’ll do the Board of Trustees Report, and then we’ll have an Open Microphone session.

So, I’ll move right ahead. We’re going to go right into Registration Services, which is John Sweeting. John, take it away.

John will give our Registration Services Department report.

Department Update: Registration Services

John Sweeting: Alright. It’s Friday. And everybody knows there’s a big game tonight – Yankees/Red Sox, 4:30 start here. So, just wanted to throw that out there for all you Yankee fans.

Alright. So I’m going to give the RSD Update. We’ll have some very good information in here. Okay, the overview, we’re going to go through the current staff, ticket review, waitlist, reserve pool, and IPv6 status update.

That’s the current team today. We have five – four resource analysts, Susie Rogers, who is a paralegal, she’s out at the help desk as well as James Ricewick; and Lisa is also here with us. She’s sitting in the back row there.

There’s a picture of the smiling Registration Services team. That’s how happy we are every day when we get to talk to all of you on the phones and through emails. It really makes our day really exciting. Seriously, I’m not being like, you know, funny.

Okay, organizations served by ARIN. We have 16,000 – 42 percent legacy, that would mean that they are not under contract. Members, 5,860, 15 percent. That’s the ISPs or anyone with an RSP.

And then the non-members, which would be our end user organizations, 43 percent, a little bit over 16,000.

Past year ticket breakdown. I think this is like, the first year it was, like, this close. It’s really the categories. It’s about 25 percent on each for the actual requests – questions, Org and POC, creations and issues, and then transfers.

That’s the breakdown of the tickets as far as the amount. If we showed you, like, the time, it would be, like, 75 percent spent on transfers and 25 percent spent on the rest of them.

Okay. RSA coverage in /24s. It’s pretty straightforward. LRSAs, growing a little bit. Standard is growing a little bit. None is shrinking. And we’ll see that on this chart.

So this chart here shows the RSA/LRSA coverage over time. And as you can see, this is only covering three years. And we’ve gained 6 percent under contract and, of course, that means we’ve lost 6 percent that are not under contract.

So the gap’s getting larger, and you can see it really took off there a little bit the last year. And a lot of that is due to the transfer market. Transfer market is forcing the resources that aren’t under contract to come under contract.

A lot of people will not participate in a transfer with anybody if they’re actually not already under contract. Just for their protection; there’s a lot of money changing hands out there on these transfers. And people are just looking – they want to make sure that the actual people they’re dealing with have the right to do the transfer.

Waiting list growth. It went up pretty quickly in the beginning. And then the last couple of years we’ve been – we’ve been keeping pretty steady with the requests coming in. The amount of requests coming in about levels off with the amount of requests being filled.

So the statistics on that is there’s 635 requests, or 55 percent of the requests that have been approved for waitlist status have been filled.

The last request filled waited six months, about six months. 275 have dropped off. That’s because they either just pulled theirself off, or they obtained their resources from the transfer market.

And today there’s 230 – well, there might be a little bit more, but there’s 237 on the waiting list, and the oldest one added is 15 March. So it’s only six months. So that’s not that long of a wait.

From the floor: [Inaudible].

John Sweeting: What’s that? Oh, 17. Oh, that’s because that’s a real large one. The smaller ones – anyway, I’d have to get that for you. But the ones that were – the last ones that were filled got on, like, six months ago. But it was probably, like, a /24. That one there, that’s still sitting there, is an /18.

So this is – we show this slide for Owen, per Owen’s request. These are the reserve pool updates, what has been issued and what is still available. On the 4.4 from NRPM, which is the critical infrastructure, we have 84.6 percent still available. And on the 4.10, which is the IPv6 transitional pool, we have 97.8 percent available still. Yes, you can ask a question. That’s fine. We have to turn the mic on.

Cathy Aronson: Cathy Aronson. Just curious, the little guys on the waiting list, are they informed of the v6 transition policy?

John Sweeting: Yes. And a lot have – that 357, a lot of those have been people at ARIN on the Roads that have been informed, and they realize they can get – so they come and they get their v6 block, they get their IPv4 block and they go from there. We actually do a lot of publicizing of this pool.

This is the IPv6 profile. And, again, due to Owen’s request, we report IPv6 only. But as I said yesterday during the NRO report, IPv6 only means they only got directly from ARIN IPv6. It does not mean that they only have IPv6 in their network. They could have IPv4 from their upstream and then came to ARIN to get their IPv6.

And if they have IPv6, they already qualify to get an IPv4, /24, for their transition.

This is the status update on the /12. It is currently at ARIN. Held is .02 percent. So held is space that was given out and returned. So it could be somebody came in and they got a /36, but then they realized they really wanted a /32. So we allowed them to do a swap.

Once we get it back, we hold it for the six months required time that we hold it before we put it back in the pool. The issued is 4 percent; reserve is 56 percent.

Yes, Patrick?

Patrick Gilmore: Sorry if this is a dumb question, but 27 billion what? Seems small for /64s – it’s clearly not IP addresses. Under the free pool – the 27 billion number, 27 billion what? Is that /64s?

John Sweeting: Good question.


Patrick Gilmore: It seems too low to be /64s. It’s clearly not IP addresses, because you’re missing about eight commas.

John Curran: (Indiscernible) it’s /48s.

John Sweeting: I would think it’s /48s. We do mostly /48s. I don’t want to say positive, because I’m not positive.

Patrick Gilmore: Alright, it’s not that important. I was just curious. Sorry to interrupt.

John Sweeting: Lisa, do you know?

John Curran: I’m doing it now. Hold on.

John Sweeting: If you can slack Worley. We should have the legend on there. Sorry, my fault.

John Curran: /48s.

John Sweeting: /48s.

Thanks, Patrick. Is there anything else? Anybody have any other questions on that? I thought you were going to ask a different question, Patrick. But that’s okay. We’ll move right along.

So during the year RSD – Lisa, who leads the analyst team, we’re doing a little bit of mentoring and career development with the team. So each member of the team over, in 2017, they actually all wrote a blog. In 2018, they’ve all written a blog. And we’re now taking suggestions for blogs that you would like to see from the RSD team in 2019.

There’s a sample list of the different blogs that have been written. And they’re all out there somewhere on TeamARIN, I think.

The Help Desk. Help Desk is staffed. This is the RSD Help Desk. Registration Services. We’re staffed 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM Eastern time Monday through Friday. If you call us, the average wait time is 17 seconds. So we answer the phone very quickly. And the most common topics on that are POC validation, ticket status, ARIN Online use, and transfer-related questions.

And that’s it. Questions? Since we had them mostly during the talk, maybe not? Alright. I think that’s it, John.


John Curran: Okay. So, moving right ahead. Our next presentation in the Member Meeting is the Advisory Council report from Tina Morris.

Advisory Council Report

Tina Morris: Tina Morris, Advisory Council chair. I have the honor of having a total of 15 members of the AC, all coming from various backgrounds, that care a great deal about this community and the policies that we put forth.

They are the primary facilitators of the process and incredibly important to this whole system. The Advisory Council works with the proposal authors to make sure they have a valid problem statement. The policies are within the scope of ARIN Policy Development Process.

And then they work to develop the policies by working with the community, via PPML, presenting them as works in progress and taking the input of the community members.

When we make a Draft Policy recommended, we ensure that it’s fair and impartial, technically sound, and supported by the community. At that point we initiate Last Call, review final comments, and then it goes to – assuming there’s no alarming details – it goes to the Board of Trustees for adoption.

Policy activity since ARIN 41 in April.

We sent five – was it five? Yeah. Well, we sent five policies to the Board for adoption. And one was remanded back to the AC as we reviewed in detail earlier today.

One was also abandoned in lieu of working on 2018-2. That was clarification of initial block size for IPv4 transfers.

We’ve only had one new proposal since ARIN 41. That was Prop 256. That was determined to be editorial change. It is just formatting of the NRPM to make it more readable, more consistent.

I want to say thank you to John Springer. He’s served six years on the Advisory Council extremely passionately, cares deeply about the community and the policies we put forward. He’s opted not to run for re-election and he will be missed.


(Standing ovation.)

Alright. Just to give you an idea of the kind of policy traffic we’ve seen. Sometimes it seems like there’s not a lot of policy. Sometimes there’s a ton. We do have a variable amount. And a variable amount of how many are adopted, abandoned, and successful.

2018 seems to be kind of low so far. But we’ll see. Maybe we’ll get several out of this meeting.

Last thing, Sean Hopkins put a lot of work into archiving the versions of the NRPM. It’s now available in the Git repository with a single markdown file and a commit history. So, you can see the entire history of the NRPM in regards to how we got from beginning to end with a specific section of the policy.

The AC is very excited to have this data. It will help us enormously. And we want to thank Sean for that work. And I know there’s some members of the community that will also appreciate that. So we wanted to bring it to your attention.

Any questions?

(No response.)

Okay. Thank you.

John Curran: Thank you, Tina.


Next up, we have the Financial Report by our treasurer, Nancy Carter.

Financial Report

Nancy Carter: Good morning. I am now ten months into my first year as both a trustee and treasurer on the ARIN Board. It’s been a huge learning opportunity for me, and I’m grateful for the support of my fellow Board members as well as the continued patience and support of all the ARIN staff, most notably Val, Nate, and John.

Nate, I assume that you’ll still be available for me to call you for questions after the 14th of December?


Nate Davis: I’ll get back to you on that.

Nancy Carter: I’m excited to be here to present the ARIN report. I know that the treasurer’s report is the reason that everyone attends the Members Meeting.

This will be quite brief as the heavy lifting for the Finance Committee is just about to start – budgets and year end, which of course is everyone’s favorite time of year.

This morning I’ll tell you a bit about the work of the Finance Committee since April, after which I’ll review the financial results up to August 31st of this year, and then I’ll provide highlights of the investment portfolio.

The Finance Committee continues to monitor the investment portfolio for compliance with the Investment Policy Statement. And we make any adjustments required in consultation with our investment consultants.

At the end of August, the portfolio balance was at $28.6 million. The Finance Committee reviewed the fee schedule and we have just started reviewing the 2019-20 budget which staff has been developing.

We also reviewed and approved the unaudited financial results through Q2, which is June 30th of this year. And I regularly report these results to the Board of Directors at our monthly meetings.

Finally, we approved the IRS 990 Forms for submission.

The August year-to-date financial results are in front of you. Registration revenue came in very close to budget, while investment income was slightly higher than anticipated by the end of August.

Expenses for the period ending in August came in at 1.1 million or 7 percent under budget. The good news here is that instead of a $900,000 draw on reserves for the eight months ending in August, there was a $300,000 increase to the reserves.

ARIN’s investment portfolio is allocated into three distinct funds, each with very different investment objectives. The long-term reserve fund was by far the largest component at $24.9 million at the end of August. The legal defense fund was $2.1 million at the end of August. And the operating reserve fund stood at $1.6 million at the end of August.

The chart in front of you illustrates the investment portfolio balances over the past six years, and as you can see the portfolio balance has been quite stable.

I promised you short and sweet. Does anybody have any questions? Come on.

(No response.)

John Curran: That’s it.

Nancy Carter: I think so.

John Curran: Thank you, Nancy.


John Curran: Okay. Our final report is the Board of Trustees Report done by chairman Paul Andersen.

Board of Trustees Report

Paul Andersen: Okay. I have a brief update because the Board report really rolls up a lot of the work you’ve already seen.

Some of the activities we’ve had since we last met on the financial side is a lot of the stuff that Nancy just mentioned, the 990, getting the financial audit clean.

We also did pass the revised fee schedule which we thank the community. There was a lot of good input, and we hope that the revised fee schedule works for the community.

Operationally, we obviously have been working on a lot of issues. We recently adjusted the reserve of IPv4 resources we hold to manage and adjust risk. On the ARIN election process, we did a lot of cleanup, including – now it’s great to see a single document that overviews the entire election process for the Board.

We have been doing some work and we’ll be working in the next little bit on RPKI as you heard earlier, and also some of the DNSSEC issues.

From a government’s perspective, we have been working heavily on some programs to help in terms of both outreach and also helping build capacity for people who are interested in leadership positions. We’re hoping to have a new program either in the new year that we’ll work on that.

We’ve also done some changes in our transparency for the organization. You can now see who is traveling to which meetings and some breakdowns of some of the costs. We got feedback that the community that would like to see that, and we’ve since had that.

In terms of our organizational diversity, we also are very excited that we were able to appoint a member from the Caribbean region that will be starting in January as an observer, Regenie Fräser. I don’t know if she’s hiding out somewhere. Could you stand for the – there you are. Thank you.


We’re very excited to have Regenie join us full time. She’s already been attending Board meetings, and we’re excited to have her join the organization.

As this is the end of the last time we’ll meet, it’s that time we must say thank yous. First I’d just like to, on behalf of the Board, thank all the volunteers that dedicated so much time – the NRO NC, the AC, and my fellow Board colleagues – those who serve on various committees within the organization. We all know that it seems like life is always a bit busier than it is, and it’s great that people can make time.

There’s also a few thank yous, some that we’ve already done. But I don’t care, I’m going to thank them again.

So I’d first like to start with Cathy Handley, our Executive Director of Government Affairs. When I joined ARIN, I thought Plenipot was something you cooked express noodles in or something like that. Cathy has educated the entire Board on all the goings of ITU and the global Internet and governance ecosystems. She has spent countless hours in windowless hotel rooms and ballrooms.

On behalf of the membership, I’d like her to – once again for the entire community to show her appreciation as she sets to retire at the end of the year. Thank you, on behalf of the Board, Cathy.


Next, while the Board and John are a lot of people are you see publicly, interacting with the community back in Virginia, there is a very strong staff and a man who has had a very calm and stable hand on the organization and has been a good friend to myself and many of the Board members. He does a lot of running around and making us look good by making sure that the entire staff runs smoothly.

We would love to make an offer for you to stay, but I assume no? No, you’re not? We tried. So no. But once again – you’ll get back to us – once again, could we have a thank you for Nate Davis, our Chief Operating Officer.


We look forward to working with Richard. Richard, you have, though, some tough shoes to fill.

Again, as I already mentioned, but one more time, I’d like to thank ARIN Advisory Council member John Springer. John’s been on the AC since 2005. He’s one of the most passionate people I’ve met. He has advocated for your community quite strongly.

I’m saddened to hear that he’ll be moving away from the community, but I hope he will still stay in touch. And, again, I’d like us all to thank John Springer for his engagement in the community.


And last but not least, I’d like to thank Aaron Hughes. He joined the Board in 2012, but he’s not been a stranger to this community. He has been heavily involved not just in ARIN but many NANOG and other operator forums, including peering DB and several – I can’t even – OpenIX – I can’t keep them all listed.

But he, of course, is moving – will still be very much around in the community, I suspect. He’s been, to myself and the Board, a passionate advocate for both the operator and the larger community. He has spent countless hours traveling and reaching out to the community to advocate for you.

He’s always been someone that has been open to take a call or a query. And I’d like to thank, at this time – we’ll do a double bow since this is his first time, Mr. Aaron Hughes, for his service to the ARIN Board.


(Standing ovation.)

Okay, well like I said, this is the last time we’ll see you in 2018. You know, I look around the room and there are so many of you that I know so well. And as we move into the Canadian Thanksgiving here, it’s – to be thankful to all of you. I know that, much like family, that many of you have become to myself and others, like.

We have had some disagreements as we’ve seen on some technical issues just this week, but I do love that this community – even though we can get very passionate at the microphones, we can get passionate in the hallways – what really I love about this community, and I’d like to leave you with this, is that I’m always just so moved by how you all strive to do the right thing. And afterwards, as we saw just yesterday, we can go in the hallway and raise a glass and through our disagreements, I think that we build a stronger organization and a stronger community.

On behalf of the Board, we’ve been happy to serve you. We look forward to serving you in the future.

Open Microphone - Members Meeting

Paul Andersen: And with that I will open it – I’ll open the microphone and stump the Board for anybody who would like to pose a question before you all run off to planes, trains, and automobiles.

Paul Andersen: Thud.

John Curran: Microphones are open.

Paul Andersen: Microphones are open for anything and anything you’d like to ask of the Board or in general. Front microphone.

Joe Provo: I am relaying a remote participant. Jason Schiller, Google, ASO AC. As is becoming my tradition, I am channeling my former colleague, Mike Joseph, who I hope will also address this at the mic. I lament the lack of a services document. What is the plan to develop and publish such a services document?

Paul Andersen: That’s an excellent question, and that’s good because we just had some conversation on it, and I know John will speak to it.

John Curran: So, yeah, the Services Working Group did an excellent job in some of its activities, but we have trouble keeping a steady momentum. And so, one of the items that was on that plate when we ended the Services Working Group was the services document.

I’m going to pick that up, and we’re going to publish it out for consultation. We actually have taken the pieces of the draft document that we had prepared, and we’ve actually published some on the website, because with the last fee schedule, we took the opportunity to clarify language where we could.

So we didn’t change the services. The services document was about documenting the existing services that the members are currently getting.

If you go and look, for example, under legacy resources you’ll find a table showing what services people get. We’re actually going to publish it all as a single document and put it out for consultation – just something that didn’t happen from the end of the Services Working Group to this meeting, but it is on the calendar for this year.

Paul Andersen: Rear microphone. Name and organization, please.

Cathy Handley: Cathy Handley, ARIN. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everybody, ARIN staff and the community. You all have taught me a lot over 11 years, which has enabled me to be able to, I think, represent you in a good way.

And I just ask that you support Anne-Rachel and Einar the same way going forward, because you’ll have a great team. And again thank you very much before I get weepy. Take care.


Please approach a microphone if you’d like to comment on this or any issue. Rear microphone.

Kevin Blumberg: Kevin Blumberg, The Wire. Most of the work that the ASO AC/NRO NC does is out of sight, out of mind to many people here. I joined 18 months ago, give or take, and if it wasn’t for Nate and Cathy, individually, it would be a very different experience for me.

I came as an experienced ARIN community member, but I was very green within the ICANN community. And they really took me under their wings and shepherded me around a very different fora, one that was very foreign to me.

And so there’s many things that are completely out of sight to this community, and I really wanted to point out they’ve done an unbelievable job in things we don’t see. So thank you to both of them. That was the first comment.

The second comment goes to Aaron, and John, and all the others that have contributed so many things over these years. I cannot be at this microphone without your expertise. I cannot be at the microphone without your support. I cannot be at the microphone without the willingness of people like yourselves to have a dialogue.

And please don’t be strangers. Thank you.


Paul Andersen: Rear microphone.

Suzette Burley: This is Suzette Burley, Fellow for ARIN 42. I know it was said earlier by another fellow and I wanted to use this opportunity to endorse what was said, that we want to thank the Board for the opportunity to be here.

Outside of the fellowship I wouldn’t be here because I’m not the ARIN contact for my organization. And it has been so rewarding – the knowledge that sits in this room, the connections that were made, shared earlier – that despite you’re from Jamaica and Jamaica is a small island, we were able to make contact in terms of driving the policies back home based on this fellowship.

So, again, I want to be able to thank the Board for making this happen, and hope that that it is something that you continue to make happen.

Paul Andersen: Thank you. The Fellowship program has been always a success. We continue to obviously take feedback. You thank the Board and the Board is obviously supportive of it, but I think it would be not proper for us to take the credit.

I know that Susan Hamlin’s team does a lot of the legwork to make that program successful and the outreach and the committee that goes through to – tirelessly go through all the applications, and of course, the membership and community that supports us having that program. So thank you for that feedback. It’s very useful.

Suzette Burley: Just one last comment, I want to recognize someone who has made the fellowship program easy for us. And that’s Wendy – her constant communication, constantly checking in with us. We felt at ease. We knew where we were coming. We knew exactly what we needed to do.

So I wanted to publicly recognize her for what she has done for us as fellows.


Paul Andersen: Yes, unfortunately I believe Wendy is probably staffing an election help– or, is she in the room? Oh, Wendy, stand up and (indiscernible). Sorry.


Okay, last chance, last call, approach a microphone, start typing, do something if you want to – otherwise we are going to go to some closing announcements and we’ll call it a meeting. Going once, twice. Closed.

That ends Open Microphone. That ends pretty much ARIN 42. John just has a few closing remarks. Thanks to everybody.


John Curran: Thank you, Paul.


Members Meeting - Closing Announcements and Adjournment

John Curran: Okay. We are now concluded with the Member Meeting. I’d like to do closing announcements. First, a round of thanks to all of our sponsors.


As I’ve said, you don’t have to thank the sponsors; just turn off your Wi-Fi and sit there without connectivity, and you’ll learn to appreciate them. They’re wonderful. They’re why we have connectivity.

Okay. Vote. The election remains open right now. If you’re a voting contact, vote. If you have problems, please send a message to [email protected].

Here we go – meeting survey. So, we think we have a pretty good meeting, but we can always make it better. We pay a lot of attention to the comments. Fill it out. Not a problem. You’ll actually get email with it as well. But fill out the survey. Anything we can do that would be better, it helps us, it really does.

It makes it easier for meeting attendees the next time around. So if you know something, let us know.

Okay. Thank you for being part of ARIN 42. We will see you at ARIN 43 in Barbados in April. We look forward to seeing everyone in Barbados.

In the meantime, we have the ARIN on the Road activities. We have ARIN in Caribbean. We’re having some small lunches around the country to bring more markets in, more people to us – ARIN Lunch By the Numbers.

So, if you can’t be at ARIN 43, we’ll see you at one of our events on the road. Thank you. It’s been a wonderful meeting. This concludes.

[Meeting concluded at 12:15 PM]

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Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.