ARIN XXVII Public Policy Meeting Day 1 Notes - 11 April 2011 [Archived]


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.

Opening and Announcements

Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO


John Curran opened the meeting and welcomed those in attendance.

John began the first day of the ARIN XXVIII Public Policy Meeting by making meeting-related announcements and introducing those present from the ARIN Board of Trustees, the ARIN Advisory Council, and the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council. He also acknowledged the colleagues from the other Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) in attendance and introduced ARIN’s management team and Meeting Fellowship recipients. John continued with the following announcements:

  • 185 total registered ARIN attendees, including 16 from Canada, 148 from the United States, one from the Caribbean, and 20 from outside the ARIN region. There were 25 registered remote participants.
  • Thank you to ARIN XXVIII network connectivity sponsor, Comcast.
  • John discussed the First Timers’ Orientation and held the First Timers’ Raffle, which was won by Roy Balleste.
  • Mentioned the community open survey about the ASO beginning conducted by ITEMS
  • John also reminded attendees that ARIN staff would be conducting video interviews outside the meeting hall.

John reviewed the meeting rules, meeting agenda and the printed materials given to each attendee.

At the beginning of the meeting, approximately 167 people were in attendance. Tim Denton moderated discussions throughout the day.

[ARIN offered the opportunity for remote participation throughout the meeting. Comments from remote participants are read aloud at the meeting and are integrated into the meeting report. There were approximately 40 individuals viewing the meeting webcast throughout the proceedings, and 36 registered remote participants.]

AC On-Docket Proposals Report

Speaker: John Sweeting, ARIN Advisory Council Chair

Presentation: PDF

John Sweeting provided a presentation the current policy proposals on the AC docket.

Highlights included:

  • ARIN-prop -151 Limiting needs requirements for IPv4 Transfers
  • ARIN-prop-153 Correct erroneous syntax in NRPM 8.3

There were no comments or questions from the floor at the conclusion of the presentation.

Regional PDP Report

Speaker: Einar Bohlin, Senior Policy Analyst

Presentation: PDF

Einar Bohlin provided a presentation the current policy proposals on the AC docket.

Highlights included:

  • Overview of ARIN draft policies being discussed within other RIRs
  • Samples of draft policies under discussion at all five RIRs

There were no comments or questions from the floor at the conclusion of the presentation.

Internet Number Resource Status Report

Speaker: Leslie Nobile, Director, ARIN Registration Services

Presentation: PDF

Leslie Nobile provided a presentation on current global Internet number resource statistics.

Highlights included:

  • Status of 256 /8s IPv4 Address Space
  • IPv4 Address Space Issued by all RIRs in 2011
  • Status of ASNs and which RIRs have issued them
  • 4-byte ASN assignments
  • IPv6 address space

Questions were taken from the floor. Highlights included:

  • Clarification of allocations from 260 /12
  • Clarification regarding 4-byte ASN assignments

For discussion details, please see the transcript.


Speaker: Ernest Byaruhanga, AFRINIC Technical Operation Area Manager

Presentation: PDF

Ernest Byaruhanga provided a presentation about AFRINIC.

Highlights included:

  • Overview of IPv4 and IPv6 statistics within the AFRINIC region
  • Inventory of IPv4 address space
  • Overview of membership growth since AFRINIC’s inception
  • Status of draft policies under discussion
  • Recent AFRINIC activity
  • AFRINIC 15 will be held in Yaoundé, Cameroon from 19-15 November 2011

Questions were taken from the floor. Highlights included:

  • Reasoning behind a recent large increase in IPv4 address space.
  • AFRINIC does not currently have a specific transfer policy.

For discussion details, please see the transcript.

Draft Policy 2011-8: Combined M&a and Specified Transfers

Introduction: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO

Speaker: Scott Leibrand, ARIN Advisory Council
Introduction: PDF
Presentation: PDF

John Curran presented an introduction to the proposal. Highlights included:

  • Advisory Council shepherds: Marc Crandall, Scott Leibrand
  • Introduced on PPML in May 2011 (ARIN-prop-141) and designated as a draft policy in July 2011. Current version 26 July 2011. This is the first discussion of this draft policy at an ARIN meeting.
  • There is no similar proposal under consideration at any other RIR.
  • Presentation of Staff Impact Analysis, Legal Review, Staff Comments, and overview of PPML discussion activity. [see presentation and transcript links above for details]

Scott Leibrand continued with the presentation of the proposal. Scott presented the text of the proposal and then the rationale


  • Problem statement
  • Benefits/drawbacks
  • Staff assessment

Tim Denton, Chairman moderated discussion.

Discussion Highlights included:

  • Clarification of the differences between 8.2 and 8.3 transfers.

For discussion details, please see the transcript.

At the end of discussion, Tim Denton asked for a show of hands to determine those in favor and those against the draft policy (remote participants were invited to participate). After the tally was conducted, Tim stated that this information would be provided to the Advisory Council for use in its deliberations.

Draft Policy 2011-7: Compliance Requirement

Introduction: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO

Speaker: Chris Grundemann, ARIN Advisory Council
Introduction: PDF
Presentation: PDF

John Curran presented an introduction to the proposal. Highlights included:

  • Advisory Council shepherds: Chris Grundemann and Owen DeLong
  • Introduced on PPML in January 2011 (ARIN-prop-126) and designated as a draft policy in May 2011. Current version 22 September 2011. This is the first discussion of this draft policy at an ARIN meeting.
  • There is no similar proposal under consideration at any other RIR.
  • Presentation of Staff Impact Analysis, Legal Review, Staff Comments, and overview of PPML discussion activity. [see presentation and transcript links above for details]

Chris Grundemann continued with the presentation of the proposal. Chris presented the text of the proposal and then the rationale


  • Ties the registration of client data in Whois to compliance with an ARIN resource review
  • Requires ARIN to grant minimum of 90 days to respond before resource revocation
  • Allows ARIN to revoke rDNS services for addresses that our out of compliance (minimum 30 days, maximum 60 days)

Tim Denton, Chairman moderated discussion.

Discussion Highlights included:

  • This policy may hinder the “user-friendliness” of IPv6 adoption because no reverse DNS or an IPv4 reclamation can harm business significantly
  • Clarification that this proposal intends to only edit 12.4 and 12.6 and leaves all other sections alone
  • Concern over causing headaches for those behind on IPv6 adoption
  • Potential issues with organizations only marginally aware of ARIN who may not know how to update records
  • Concern over placing decisions like turning off rDNS in staff hands in order to avoid criticism over not having concrete policy to fall back on

For discussion details, please see the transcript.

At the end of discussion, Tim Denton asked for a show of hands to determine those in favor and those against the draft policy (remote participants were invited to participate). A second question was posed to see if there was interest in seeing this policy proposal abandoned. A third question was posed to see if there was interest in seeing further work done on this policy proposal. After the tallies were conducted, Tim stated that this information would be provided to the Advisory Council for use in its deliberations.

IANA Activities Report

Speaker: Leo Vegoda, IANA

Presentation: PDF

Leo Vegoda provided a presentation on current activities.

Highlights included:

  • Overview of Notice of Inquiry and Further Notice of Inquiry

    • RFP expected in mid-October
  • Business Excellence 2010-2011

  • Root zone automation

  • Overview of cooperation with RIRs

Questions were taken from the floor. Highlights included:

  • Update on RPKI rollout
  • Discussion regarding the necessity of a single trust anchor

For discussion details, please see the transcript.


Speaker: Axel Pawlik, Managing Director, RIPE NCC

Presentation: PDF

Axel Pawlik provided a presentation about RIPE NCC.

Highlights included:

  • Overview of membership growth

  • Certification overview

    • Over 600 members requesting certificates
  • Membership and community development overview

  • RIPE 63 will be held in Vienna, Austria from 31 October to 4 November 2011.

There were no comments or questions from the floor at the conclusion of the presentation.

ARIN Board and Advisory Council Election Procedures and Candidate Speeches

Speaker: Jud Lewis, ARIN Membership Coordinator

Presentation: PDF

Jud Lewis described the voting procedures and timeline for the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council elections. Election results will be announced no later than 29 October 2011 to the [email protected] mailing list and the ARIN website.

Highlights included:

  • Elections are being held to fill 2 open seats on the Board of Trustees and 5 open seats on the Advisory Council.
  • Biographies of each candidate as well as statements of support are available on the ARIN website.
  • Video of candidate speeches will be posted to the ARIN website on 7 October, polls opened 12 Oct. at 5:00 PM ET.
  • Voters must be the designated member representative (DMR) for an ARIN General Member in good standing. The deadline to establish voter eligibility was 27 September 2010.
  • Jud briefly explained the online voting procedures, and invited anyone with questions to visit the Election Help Desk or email [email protected] for assistance.

Jud turned the microphone back over to John Curran, who moderated the candidate speeches.

Advisory Council Candidate Speeches


All candidates were invited to state their qualifications in a short speech to the audience. Candidates who were present and spoke were (links to videos of each speech provided below):

The following candidate was not present to speak. His statements of motivation to serve on the AC and abbreviated biography was presented to attendees.

  • Dan Alexander

Board of Trustees Candidate Speeches


All candidates were invited to state their qualifications in a short speech to the audience. Candidates who were present and spoke were (links to videos of each speech provided below):

The following candidate was not present to speak. He provided a short video that was presented to attendees.

Open Microphone

Moderator: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO


John Curran provided time for open microphone as the meeting was running ahead of schedule. Highlights included:

  • Suggestion that the Chairman ask for the sense of the room regarding whether a certain policy should continue to be worked on
  • Update on the status of 2011-5 Shared transition space for IPv4 address extension
  • Discussion of noncompliance administrative fees

For discussion details, please see the transcript.

Closing Announcements and Adjournment

Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO


John then thanked Comcast for providing network coverage for ARIN XXVIII and, after reminding DMRs to vote, adjourned the meeting for the day at 5:18 PM EDT.

Network Sponsor

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Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.