ARIN Fraud Reporting Results - 3rd Quarter 2010 [Archived]
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.
Date/Ticket # | Report | Action Taken |
20100702-F612 | Org trying to buy IPv4 space | Investigated, nothing that requires action |
20100702-F613 | Org trying to buy IPv4 space | Investigated, nothing that requires action |
20100704-F614 | Out of scope | |
20100713-F632 | Hijack of legacy Class B | Contacted legitimate registrant who updated their information |
20100715-F633 | Out of scope | |
20100721-F639 | ISP assigning IPv4 space without justification | Section 12 audit conducted |
20100721-F640 | Hijack of legacy Class B | Reclaimed network; registrant was dissolved in 2001 |
20100722-F641 | Out of scope | |
20100727-F642 | Out of scope | |
20100729-F643 | Out of scope | |
20100804-F644 | Out of scope | |
20100804-F652 | Out of scope | |
20100812-F653 | Org is using false address on its registration | Contacted org who corrected address and org name |
20100813-F654 | Report that a legacy Class B was updated without authorization | Unclear whether it was unauthorized or not; waiting on further reply from registrant |
20100814-F655 | Report that 2 orgs are assigning IP addresses without justification | Section 12 audits conducted on both |
20100816-F656 | Out of scope | |
20100819-F657 | Report of spam emanating from org’s /15 | Investigated, found justification meets ARIN policy requirements. |
20100826-F645 | Out of scope | |
20100826-F658 | Out of scope | |
20100830-F669 | Out of scope | |
20100909-F679 | Out of scope | |
20100918-F680 | Out of scope | |
20100920-F681 | Out of scope | |
20100922-F682 | ISP reassigned 59 blocks (mostly /24) to single organization | Contacted ISP who removed all swips |
20100928-F683 | Multiple resources hijacked | Reclaimed 13 resources, updated 2 resources, working on other 22 |
20100929-F684 | Multiple resources hijacked | Reclaimed 13 resources, updated 2 resources, working on other 22 |
Total Fraud reports received this quarter = 28
Investigation Results
Fourteen of the fraud reports received during this quarter were reports of incidents related to phishing, spam, identity theft, stalking/harassment, etc. ARIN did not investigate any of these reports, because they are outside the scope of ARIN’s mission. ARIN’s response to each of these reports was to notify the reporter that the fraud reporting process is restricted to matters specifically related to ARIN’s mission and area of authority such as false utilization reporting, number resource hijacking in ARIN’s database, and other activity involving fraudulent submissions to ARIN or fraudulent changes to data in ARIN’s Whois. In each of these report responses, ARIN staff provides additional useful information, including information on querying Whois, contact information for the network operator associated with a given IP address, etc. No further action was taken.
There were fourteen reports of potential fraud that ARIN was able to research and take action on. The summary of those fourteen reports and actions taken are contained in the table above.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.