ARIN Fee Schedule [Archived]


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.

This version of the ARIN Fee Schedule was in effect from 1 July 2013 to 1 July 2016. The version following this is available here. For the current version, please see the main ARIN website.

Effective 1 July 2013

Note: A new fee schedule has been adopted by the ARIN Board of Trustees and will be implemented on 1 July 2016. Additional information about this change is available on the2016 Pending Fee Schedule FAQ page . ARIN Online features a fee calculator for ARIN resource holders wishing to view an estimate of annual fees.


Fees by Transaction Type

ARIN is responsible for maintaining accurate and complete registration of Internet number resources in accordance with the policies established by the Internet community.

To provide for an equitable, cost-recovery process, ARIN charges an initial transaction fee for the registration or transfer of Internet number resources and an annual fee for ongoing registration services. Organizations must sign the Registration Services Agreement (RSA) prior to being issued or transferred resources by ARIN.

In accordance with Section 4 of the RSA, all fees paid to ARIN are nonrefundable. Fees may not be prorated, are nontransferable and must be paid in full.

ISPs / Allocations

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are allocated IP addresses for distribution to the users of their Internet services. The fee category for ISPs with both IPv4 resources and IPv6 resources is based on the service category that accommodates both their IPv6 and IPv4 address holdings. The fee schedule continues to encourage IPv6 adoption by providing approved IPv6 requests up to the organization’s existing IPv4 service category at no additional charge.

After an initial allocation has been approved, ARIN will invoice for payment. The Initial Registration Fee will be invoiced at the service category rate that corresponds to the size of the approved allocation. Payment and an executed Registration Services Agreement (RSA) must be received before resources are issued.

Internet service providers of all types (ISP, hosting companies, etc.) are charged an annual fee for registry services from ARIN for all Internet number resources (including IPv4, IPv6, and ASN number resources). This includes ARIN Membership at no additional charge.

Determining Fees

  • Initial: An organization’s initial fee is based on the service category corresponding to the allocation issued to them by Registration Services.
  • Annual: An organization’s annual fee is due each year at the end of their anniversary month (the month of their initial allocation). The Annual Fee is based on the cumulative total of an organization’s IPv4 or IPv6 resource holdings. The fee will be based on the service category that accommodates both an organization’s ARIN issued IPv4 and IPv6 resource holdings. For organizations holding both ARIN-issued IPv4 and IPv6 allocations the annual fee is based on the larger service category. For example, if an organization has both a /32 of IPv6 address space (small service category) and a /17 of IPv4 address space (medium service category), that organization will only be charged as a medium service category as this is the larger of the two. See additional examples in the FAQ.
  • Reducing Annual Fee: An organization may return IP address space to ARIN in order to reduce their annual fee. Please contact the Registration Services Department at [email protected] for further information on this.

ISP / Allocations Initial Registration or Annual Fees

| Service Category | Initial Registration or Annual Fee

(US Dollars) IPv4 Block Size IPv6 Block Size
XX-Small $500 /22 or smaller /40 or smaller
X-Small $1,000 Larger than /22, up to and including /20 Larger than /40, up to and including /36
Small $2,000 Larger than /20, up to and including /18 Larger than /36, up to and including /32
Medium $4,000 Larger than /18, up to and including /16 Larger than /32, up to and including /28
Large $8,000 Larger than /16, up to and including /14 Larger than /28, up to and including /24
X-Large $16,000 Larger than /14, up to and including /12 Larger than /24, up to and including /20
XX-Large $32,000 Larger than /12 Larger than /20

Not all prefix sizes shown in the table are necessarily directly available from ARIN under existing number resource policy. Please review the ARIN Number Resource Policy Manual for applicable policy for obtaining number resources.

End Users / Assignments

End users receive IP addresses for use only in their internal networks, and not for distribution to external users of their Internet services. End users are assessed an initial fee for each new IPv4 and IPv6 address assignment, Autonomous System Number (ASNs) registration, resource transfer, and experimental resource registration.

After an assignment has been approved, ARIN will invoice for payment. Payment must be received and a Registration Services Agreement (RSA) must be executed before resources are issued.

Annual Maintenance Fee

Annual maintenance fees are $100 USD for each IPv4 address block, $100 USD for each IPv6 address block, and $100 USD for each ASN assigned to the organization, and are billed per Organization ID. The maintenance fee does not apply when an organization also has an allocation. The annual invoice will be sent to the designated Billing Contact approximately 60 days before it is due.

End-Users / Assignment Initial Registration Fees

| Service Category | Initial Registration Fee

(US Dollars) IPv4 Block Size IPv6 Block Size
XX-Small $500 /22 or smaller /40 or smaller
X-Small $1,000 Larger than /22, up to and including /20 Larger than /40, up to and including /36
Small $2,000 Larger than /20, up to and including /18 Larger than /36, up to and including /32
Medium $4,000 Larger than /18, up to and including /16 Larger than /32, up to and including /28
Large $8,000 Larger than /16, up to and including /14 Larger than /28, up to and including /24
X-Large $16,000 Larger than /14, up to and including /12 Larger than /24, up to and including /20
XX-Large $32,000 Larger than /12 Larger than /20
_Not all prefix sizes shown in the table are necessarily directly available from ARIN under existing number resource policy. Please review the [ARIN Number Resource Policy Manual](/participate/policy/nrpm/) for applicable policy for obtaining number resources._

Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs)

ARIN charges $550 USD to register each ASN. After a resource request has been approved, ARIN will invoice for payment. Payment must be received and a Registration Services Agreement (RSA) must be executed before resources are released.

Annual Maintenance Fee

Annual maintenance fees are $100 USD for each IPv4 address block, $100 USD for each IPv6 address block, and $100 USD for each ASN assigned to the organization, and are billed per Organization ID.. The maintenance fee does not apply when an organization also has an allocation. The annual invoice will be sent to the designated Billing Contact approximately 60 days before it is due.

Resource Transfers

For each transfer of Internet number resources, the recipient organization must pay a $500 USD transfer fee and execute the Registration Services Agreement (RSA). Refer to the Transfers Due To Mergers or Acquisitions, the Transfers to Specified Recipients, or the Inter-RIR Transfers guidelines for full details on requirements and process for transferring resources.

Transferred resources are also subject to fees as stipulated by the fee schedule, including maintenance fees for assignments and annual fees for allocations. Fees are determined based on the status, end user or ISP, of the recipient organization. If the organization receiving the transferred resources also has an allocation from ARIN, the maintenance fees for the transferred resources would not apply. ISPs’ annual fees may increase as a result of transfers if the resulting aggregate holdings move the organization to a larger service category.

Specified Transfer Listing Service (STLS)

The fees for the STLS are independent of resource transfer fees and assessed separately, payable on approved application to the service:

  • Seeker: a one-time $100 USD fee for each approved listing request
  • Lister: a one-time $100 USD fee for each approved listing request
  • Facilitator: a recurring annual fee of $100 USD

Should an STLS participant opt out of the service, ARIN charges a fee of $100 USD for reinstatement.

For Seekers or Listers, there is no annual fee requirement for this service, meaning they will incur no additional charges until their needs are met or their resources transferred. Facilitators are charged an annual fee to participate in the service.

Refer to the STLS Registration Guidelines for full details on requirements and process.

Inter-RIR Transfers

The fees for Inter-RIR Transfers are as follows:

  • Transfers from ARIN to another RIR: authorized registrant must pay a $500 USD transfer fee
  • Transfers from another RIR to ARIN: recipient organization must pay a $500 USD transfer fee and execute the Registration Services Agreement (RSA).
  • As part of the transfer process, the resources are also subject to fees as stipulated by the fee schedule, including initial and maintenance fees for assignments and annual fees for allocations, determined by the recipient organization being an end user or ISP, respectively. If the organization receiving the transferred resources also has an allocation from ARIN, the maintenance fees for the transferred resources would not apply. An organization’s annual fees may increase as a result of transfers if the resulting aggregate holdings move the organization to a larger service category.

Refer to the Inter-RIR Transfer Guidelines for full details on requirements and process.

Experimental Allocations

ARIN charges $500 USD for each experimental allocation of IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, and/or Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs). Experimental allocations are granted for a period of one year. Automatic renewal is not available. At the end of the experiment period, all allocated resources will be returned to the available pool.

After a resource request has been approved, ARIN will invoice for payment. Payment must be received and a Registration Services Agreement (RSA) must be executed before resources are issued.


ARIN automatically accords membership to organizations that receive direct IPv4 or IPv6 resource allocations. These memberships are annually renewed with the payment of an organization’s Annual Subscription Renewal fee.

Membership is also available to any other organization with Internet number resources from ARIN under either a signed Registration Services Agreement (RSA) or Legacy Registration Services Agreement (LRSA) for a fee of $500 USD. To retain membership rights, the organization must submit its annual renewal fee by its membership anniversary date. ARIN sends the invoice for the Membership Renewal fee approximately 60 days before the fee is due.

Legacy Registration Services Agreement (LRSA)

ARIN fees are outlined in the terms of the LRSA. Please refer to your organization’s LRSA for fee details which may limit fees, otherwise end user registration fees are applicable.

Annual Maintenance Fee for Resources Covered by an LRSA

Annual maintenance fees for legacy resources that are covered by the current version of the LRSA are:

  • $100 USD for each IPv4 address block assigned to the organization
  • $100 USD for each IPv6 address block assigned to the organization
  • $100 USD for each ASN assigned to the organization

The annual maintenance fee is billed per Organization ID. The annual invoice will be sent to the designated Billing Contact approximately sixty (60) days before it is due.

Note: Descriptions of fees applicable for resources under earlier versions of the Legacy Registration Services Agreement are detailed within those agreements.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.