Introducing the ARIN 43 Fellows!

Introducing the ARIN 43 Fellows!

We’re busy getting ready to head to Barbados for our next Public Policy and Members Meeting, ARIN 43. We’d like to introduce the 13 new and returning fellows that will be joining us in Bridgetown. Over the last ten years we’ve welcomed 123 fellows to our meetings in order to expand our educational outreach and add new voices to our public policy discussions. With this new group of fellows, we’ve pushed that number to 136! We encourage you to take the time to say hello to our fellows at the meeting and welcome them to our community. Let’s dive in!

 ARIN 43 Fellows by the numbers:


  • Jaymon Lefebvre, Wild Rose School Division*

  • Imran Mohiuddin, Cybera Inc.

  • Matthew Wilder, TELUS Communications Inc.


  • Suzette Burley, Digicel Jamaica*

  • Rudolph Daniel, CalaHub*

  • Krislin Goulbourne-Harry, St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College

  • Richard V. Hamilton, Digicel Jamaica

  • Cathrona Samuel, Antigua Public Utilities Authority*

United States:

  • Jeffrey Anderson,, Inc.

  • Mike Arbrouet, AppRiver

  • Frank Hoonhout, State of Oregon*

  • Joel Large, GLW Broadband

  • Barry Sherwood, GBIS Holdings Inc.

*Out of our 13 fellows, five are returning fellows.

Our magnificent mentors

One of the benefits our fellows receive is being paired with an experienced mentor who can guide them through the meeting and policy discussions. These seasoned veterans help our fellows feel comfortable going up to the mic to voice their opinions and introduce them to key members in our community. We’d like to thank our mentors in advance for lending their time and experience to our new slate of fellows!

  • David Huberman, ARIN Community Member

  • Cathy Aronson, ARIN Community Member

  • Alyssa Moore, ARIN Advisory Council (AC)

  • Joe Provo, AC

  • David Farmer, AC

  • Alicia Trotman, AC

  • Gerry George, ARIN Community Member

  • Alison Wood, AC

  • Leslie Nobile, ARIN Senior Director of Global Registry Knowledge

  • Ron da Silva, AC

  • Christian Tacit, AC

  • Robert Seastrom, AC

  • Owen DeLong, AC

Let’s get to know our fellows!

When asked why he decided to apply, Imran Mohiuddin said, “The ARIN fellowship was recommended to me by a previous ARIN fellow and my predecessor at Cybera Inc., Alyssa Moore. She spoke highly of the experience she gained at ARIN 37 and the long-lasting network of accomplished professionals she created as a result.” Returning fellow, Jaymon Lefebvre responded, “By far and away the professional networking opportunities are what I consider to be the most valuable component of the experience” when asked what he is hoping to gain by attending ARIN 43. Matthew Wilder definitely sees himself contributing to and supporting the ARIN community in the future. “I am passionate about IPv6. I see it as the future of the Internet, restoring the end to end connectivity that NAT has set aside in order to extend the longevity of IPv4. I hope to share insights with Caribbean organizations at ARIN 43 and CaribNOG 17 alike. I hope that the connections forged in Bridgetown will lead to opportunities to share my insights with the community to bolster IPv6 awareness and confidence in the region.”

Returning fellow, Suzette Burley, knows that attending ARIN 43 will help support her future goals. “The knowledge gained from attending the meetings would be shared within my organization through training information sessions, continuing [to] forge relationships with government agencies, and attending ARIN in the Caribbean conferences to be a part of the discussions on policies…” Rudi Daniel, another returning fellow, is most looking forward to welcoming the ARIN community to his region. He is eager to continue charting “a multi-stakeholder course towards greater participation through increased regional collaboration.” Krislin Goulbourne-Harry decided to apply for the fellowship after “attending a workshop facilitated by the Internet Society of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (ISOCSVG) and ARIN.” She is most looking forward to the “discussions on the draft policies and proposals.”

Richard Hamilton believes his experience as a fellow will support him because it will give him the opportunity to develop relationships within this community where he can give assistance as well as benefit from others. He also said, “I will be better able to advise clients and business partners on policies.” Returning fellow, Cathrona Samuel is “elated” to attend another ARIN meeting. She said, “I hope to play a greater role in the ARIN policy process by vying for a position on the Advisory Council. I think that it would be great to see more [people] from the Caribbean involved in this area. This experience will provide me with the platform to advance that.”

Jeffrey Anderson is hoping to gain a better understanding of the shepherding process for policies. This is a big reason why we pair our fellows with members of the ARIN AC since they have great insight into the policy development process! Frank Hoonhout can’t wait to reconnect with old friends and colleagues and knows this experience will aid in his discussions within the ARIN community, while Barry Sherwood is eager to meet “other fellows and, in particular, other ISPs to see how they experience ARIN.” Mike Arbrouet is “ecstatic” to attend another ARIN meeting. He said, “I hope to continue to evangelize ARIN’s mission to support the operation of the Internet through the management of Internet number resources through its service region, coordinate the development of policies by the community for the management of Internet number resources, and advance the Internet through educational outreach.” We love to hear this!

We would like to wish another big congratulations to our ARIN 43 fellows. We can’t wait to see you all in Barbados!

P.S. The ARIN Fellowship Program for ARIN 44 in Austin, Texas 31 October- 1 November will be accepting applications soon. Stay tuned!

Post written by:

A photo of Erin Pratt
Erin Pratt
Social Media and Content Specialist

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