Category: Training

Reg-RWS Basics: Learn to Automate Management of ARIN Records with API

Reg-RWS Basics: Learn to Automate Management of ARIN Records with API

 • Jon Worley

SWIP email templates for reporting reallocations and reassignments will be retired soon, so we’ve shared training on using ARIN’s Registration RESTful Service to process simple reassignments.

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RPKI Learning Just a Click Away

RPKI Learning Just a Click Away

 • Beverly Hicks

Whether you’re new and looking to gain an understanding of RPKI basics or you’re ready for a more in-depth look at delegated RPKI and ARIN’s publication service, our library of on-demand webinars now includes both options. Find out which one is right for you.

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ARIN Leadership Development Series On-Demand Videos Now Available

ARIN Leadership Development Series On-Demand Videos Now Available

 • Hollis Kara

Looking to take on a leadership role in the ARIN community? We just launched two new instructional videos on Governance and Policy that explain how ARIN fits into the larger Internet governance community, our election cycle, the composition and responsibilities of the ARIN Advisory Council and Board of Trustees, and how you can get involved.

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Using ARIN's RESTful API for IRR

Using ARIN's RESTful API for IRR

 • Pete Sclafani

Pete Sclafani, COO and Co-Founder of 6connect, shares his experience after attending a webinar about Using ARIN's Restful API for IRR.

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ROA, ROA, ROA Your Network with ARIN’s Upcoming RPKI Webinar

ROA, ROA, ROA Your Network with ARIN’s Upcoming RPKI Webinar

 • Beverly Hicks

RPKI has been a popular topic of discussion in our community lately, and you’ve probably heard about how it can help enhance your network security, but what is it all about? We’re excited to be opening registration to attend an instructional webinar introducing the components of RPKI, how it works, and other important considerations.

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Don’t Wait to Learn Something New

Don’t Wait to Learn Something New

 • Beverly Hicks

Over the last year, training and education has been a primary focus here at ARIN. Here's a look at four of our available on-demand webinars, and some of the feedback we've received from our attendees.

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Start IPv6 Address Planning with ARIN

Start IPv6 Address Planning with ARIN

 • Erin Pratt

Are you ready to deploy IPv6 for your organization, but have questions about where to begin or how to determine the right block size? We’re excited to be offering an IPv6 Address Planning webinar next month to help answer these questions and more.

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ARIN’s Policy Development Process - Coming Soon to Wherever You Are

ARIN’s Policy Development Process - Coming Soon to Wherever You Are

 • Sean Hopkins

Are you new to the Policy Development Process (PDP) at ARIN, or need a refresh before the meeting? Sean Hopkins, Policy Analyst, shares the details about his upcoming webinar.

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What is on your IPv6 training wish list?

What is on your IPv6 training wish list?

 • Jennifer Bly

What are the top ten things you’d like to know about IPv6? We want to hear from you so we can design an IPv6 training program that meets your needs.

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