Congratulations to New CTU Secretary General
We are thrilled to congratulate Rodney Taylor on his appointment as Secretary General of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU).
John Curran, ARIN President and CEO, wrote in his congratulatory letter, “My sincere congratulations to Rodney Taylor on taking up the post of the Secretary General of the CTU. The CTU’s role as the Caribbean inter-governmental body responsible for shaping regional telecommunications, Internet governance and technology policies is crucial. I am confident that your leadership will unlock new opportunities for advancing issues that are of crucial importance for the regional and international community as well as for ARIN. ARIN pledges continued support to the important work of the CTU and wish you success in ‘shaping Caribbean Communications.’”
ARIN and the CTU share a long history of collaboration. ARIN’s Director of Caribbean Affairs, Bevil Wooding, explained, “ARIN’s longstanding support for pioneering CTU initiatives such as the Caribbean ICT Roadshow, the Caribbean Internet Governance Forum, Caribbean Futurescape and the ARIN-CTU Public Policy Forum, is testament to the strength and value of the collaboration between the organizations.
Today, our mutual and most immediate areas of focus is the resilience and security of Caribbean networks. The threats posed by increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks and the vulnerability of Internet infrastructure in the region to natural disasters are of profound concern. For years ARIN and the CTU have worked closely together to strengthen the capacity of the technical community in the Caribbean and to raise awareness of Internet Governance issues amongst government, civil society and private sector leaders. With Mr. Taylor’s appointment as Secretary General, we are looking forward to a continued, close and productive cooperation with the CTU in promoting the values of an open, secure and resilient Internet in the Caribbean.”
Another area of strategic partnership between the two organizations has been in capacity building/policy development support. Tracking international Internet public policy developments and their implications for the Caribbean has always been a priority for ARIN. Sharing technical information with the CTU’s General Conference of Ministers is an important mechanism for Caribbean governments to access timely information and insights on Internet trends, threats and opportunities that in turn informs their national and regional policy development and decision making.
As a Regional Internet Registry, ARIN is able to share its expertise and research in the area of international Internet public policy developments to the benefit of the CTU and its members. We expect this important collaborative work to continue and to strengthen under the new Secretary General.
Taylor takes over Ms. Bernadette Lewis who served in the post for 10 years. Ms. Lewis was the CTU’s first female Secretary-General and is credited with revitalizing and re-establishing the CTU as a credible and vibrant information and communication technologies (ICT) organization. Now the mantle rests with Taylor to continue building upon that foundation.
We are confident that Mr. Taylor’s tenure will ensure continuity, success and growth at a time when rapid technological innovations are radically reshaping the Caribbean’s technical, social, political and economic landscape.
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