Draft Policies Under Discussion at ARIN 48
We’re 6 days away from the start of ARIN 48 (btw, have you registered yet?) and we’re ready for it.
We always love bringing our community together to help ARIN achieve one of its prime directives: the development of policy by our community for the management of IP addresses and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs). These biannual Public Policy and Members Meetings are critical for our Policy Development Process (PDP) and we appreciate your participation for their ultimate success.
Whether you’ve been following recent policy discussions or are new to the process, here’s a look at the Draft Policies and Recommended Draft Policies that will be up for discussion during Days 1 and 2 (19-20 October 2021) of ARIN 48.
Recommended Draft Policies
Recommended Draft Policies are being recommended for adoption, and this may be the last time they are available for discussion by the community at an ARIN meeting.
ARIN 2021-2: Special Use IPv4 Space Out of Scope for Purposes of Determining Waitlist Eligibility - This policy revises Section 4.1.8. to explicitly exclude space issued under Sections 4.4 and 4.10 from consideration when weighing the total aggregate holdings of an organization applying for space from ARIN’s IPv4 waitlist.
Draft Policies
Draft Policies are works in progress that need your feedback! Review and participate in discussing the following Draft Policies to make your voice heard.
ARIN-2020-6: Allowance for IPv4 Allocation “Swap” Transactions via 8.3 Specified Transfers and 8.4 Inter-RIR Transfers - This policy would effectively codify as permissible the practice of obtaining and renumbering into a smaller block prior to conducting a transfer as a source, preventing the need for workarounds.
ARIN 2021-3: Private AS Number and Unique Routing Policy Clarifications - This policy clarifies three points deemed potentially confusing with the current Autonomous System Number policy.
ARIN 2021-4: Clarifications to Sections 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5.6 - This policy revises language in NRPM Section 8 to add clarity regarding ASN-only transactions.
ARIN 2021-5: Update ISP and End User References for 2022 Fee Schedule. - This policy aims to synchronize the NRPM in regards to the new 2022 fee schedule by consolidating instances where ISPs and End users have clear distinctions.
ARIN 2021-6: Remove Circuit Requirement - Current ARIN policy prevents the use of leased-out addresses as evidence of utilization. This policy would inform staff that neither physical nor virtual circuits are required for a technical connection between LIR and customer.
Participate in Policy Discussions
We encourage everyone to participate in our policy discussions – including you! We hope to hear your voice and ideas during ARIN 48. In addition to reviewing these explanations of draft policies up for discussion, if ARIN 48 will be your first Public Policy and Members Meeting, be sure to select that you would like to attend the Newcomer’s Orientation when you register for the event which we will host tomorrow on Thursday, 14 October at 2:00 PM. Our goal is to help you make the most of your meeting experience and for you to feel prepared to speak up and let your opinions be heard.
Do You Want to Help Contribute to the Future of Internet Policy?
If you’d like to submit your own Internet number resource policy proposal, fill out our brief template and email to [email protected]. Don’t fret over wording your proposal perfectly — our Advisory Council will work with you to polish it so it can move through our Policy Development Process.
Additional resources can be found on the following webpages:
- Public Policy Mailing List
- Policy Development Process (PDP)
- ARIN Advisory Council (AC)
- Current Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM)
- Draft Policies and Proposals
- ARIN 48 Meeting Materials — including a handy Discussion Guide
We’ll see you at ARIN 48!
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