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ISPs and LIRs and End Users, Oh My!

ISPs and LIRs and End Users, Oh My!

 • Lisa Liedel

When requesting IP addresses, your organization will need to know whether to apply as an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or an end user. Find out which category your organization falls into — and why it matters — according to ARIN’s policies.

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Greater Vigilance and Collaboration Needed in Digital Transformation Initiatives

Greater Vigilance and Collaboration Needed in Digital Transformation Initiatives

 • Bevil Wooding

At the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation’s 2023 CTO Forum held 20 February, ARIN’s President and CEO, John Curran, presented a keynote address highlighting growing internet risks and dangers.

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ARIN and IPv4 Address Leasing

ARIN and IPv4 Address Leasing

 • John Sweeting

With many organizations exploring the option of leasing IPv4 address blocks, it is important to understand how leasing fits into ARIN’s policies. To ensure you understand the rules and risks prior to leasing, we have gathered some essential information you should know.

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ARIN Meets ‘SOC 2’ Industry Standard for Security Compliance

ARIN Meets ‘SOC 2’ Industry Standard for Security Compliance

 • Christian Johnson

ARIN has successfully completed the Service Organization Control (SOC 2) Type 1 audit certification. Our Chief Information Security Officer, Christian Johnson, explores what that means, how and why we earned it, and the next steps in ARIN’s continual effort to maximize security.

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Advancing Plans for ARIN Participation in 2023 Grenada ICT Week

Advancing Plans for ARIN Participation in 2023 Grenada ICT Week

 • Bevil Wooding

Grenada is set to host regional and international technology experts for 2023 Grenada ICT Week from 27 February through 3 March. Bevil Wooding, ARIN's Director of Caribbean Affairs, visited last week to meet with key stakeholders and advance plans for ARIN’s participation in the upcoming week-long event.

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The Business Case for IPv6: Internet vs. Intranets

The Business Case for IPv6: Internet vs. Intranets

 • Matthew Wilder

As network operators consider how they will deploy IPv6, they also must establish the business case for doing so — answering the “Why should our organization invest in this transition?” question. Before exploring the many possible scenarios and motivations, ARIN Advisory Council member and TELUS Communications Senior Engineer Matthew Wilder discusses two fundamentally different types of IPv6 deployment.

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Two-Factor Authentication Now Enforced

Two-Factor Authentication Now Enforced

 • Christina Paladeau

As of 1 February 2023, ARIN requires two-factor authentication for all ARIN Online accounts. If you have not yet enabled 2FA, or you would like to switch authentication methods, check out these helpful notes, reminders, and tips to ensure this change is not interruptive to your account access.

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Let's Grow with IPv6

Let's Grow with IPv6

 • John Sweeting

Ready to see what IPv6 can do for your organization? Let's grow! ARIN’s Chief Customer Officer, John Sweeting, introduces our new IPv6 outreach campaign, launched this year to ramp up promotion and adoption, and discusses how IPv6 can help your organization achieve and maintain growth.

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Introducing Security Keys for Two-Factor Authentication

Introducing Security Keys for Two-Factor Authentication

 • Craig Fager

With the recent addition of FIDO2/Passkey-enabled security keys as an option for two-factor authentication in ARIN Online, those unfamiliar with using security keys may have questions about how they work. Craig Fager, ARIN’s Technical Writer, provides an introduction to this technology and explains how to implement it for your account.

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