Initial Slate of Candidates Announced for 2014 ARIN Elections [Archived]


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Posted: Friday, 05 September 2014

Elections for two seats on the ARIN Board of Trustees and seven seats on the ARIN Advisory Council will be held online from Thursday, 9 October to Sunday, 19 October 2014. New Board and Advisory Council terms begin 1 January 2015.

Board members Timothy Denton and Bill Woodcock and Advisory Council representatives Dan Alexander, Kevin Blumberg, Bill Darte, David Farmer, and John Sweeting will conclude their current three-year terms on 31 December 2014.

Advisory Council member Andrew Dul concludes his one-year Advisory Council appointment at year’s end, creating an additional seat for a one-year term. Another one-year Advisory Council term is open to fill the seat held by former Advisory Council Member Stacy Hughes.

The following candidates have agreed to run for office:

Board of Trustees

  • Timothy Denton, The Windermere Group
  • Bernadette Lewis, Caribbean Telecommunications Union
  • John Sweeting, Time Warner Cable
  • Bill Woodcock, Packet Clearing House

Advisory Council

  • Dan Alexander, Comcast Cable
  • Kevin Blumberg, The Wire Inc
  • Mike Burns, IPTrading
  • Andrew Dul, 8 Continents Networks LLC
  • Robert Duncan, Merit Network
  • David Farmer, University of Minnesota
  • Nick Guy, Noel Communications Inc.
  • David Huberman, Microsoft Corporation
  • Timothy Kaufman, Net Access LLC
  • L Sean Kennedy, XO Communications
  • Leif Sawyer, General Communications, Inc.
  • Stephen Sprunk, Polycom, Inc.
  • Chris Tacit, Tacit Law

The ARIN Board of Trustees will make an appointment to the one open NRO NC seat. The appointment of the NRO NC representative will be announced on Thursday, 9 October during the ARIN 34 Public Policy Meeting in Baltimore.

NRO Number Council (NRO NC)

  • Steven Goodman, Marquette University
  • Ron da Silva, Time Warner Cable

We encourage you to review the candidate biographies and submit or view statements of support at:

On 9 October during the ARIN 34 Public Policy and Members Meeting in Baltimore, candidates will have the opportunity to address the membership. These speeches will be posted online on 10 October.

A compilation of Candidate questionnaire responses in PDF format is available at:

You may wish to review the election system instructions at:

Please contact ARIN’s Communications and Member Services Department at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Congratulations and good luck to all of the candidates; thank you for your willingness to take an active role in guiding the future of the Internet is appreciated. We also extend our thanks to all DMRs for fulfilling this important role and casting your ballot on behalf of their organization to support the community-driven, Regional Internet Registry system.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)


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