Call for Nominations: ARIN Board of Trustees and Advisory Council [Archived]


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Posted: Monday, 01 August 2016

ARIN Trustees and representatives from ARIN’s General Members in Good Standing are cordially invited to nominate candidates for two seats on the Board of Trustees and five seats on the Advisory Council to serve three-year terms beginning 1 January 2017.

Board of Trustees Vint Cerf and Bill Sandiford and Advisory Council members Cathy Aronson, Owen DeLong, Scott Leibrand, Tina Morris, and Dr. Milton Mueller will conclude their current three-year terms on 31 December 2016.

A nominator must be an ARIN Trustee or a representative from a General Member in Good Standing. Eligible nominators may make up to three nominations for each open seat. Any person may be nominated, consistent with the election guidelines. Self-nominations are permitted. ARIN Board of Trustees and Advisory Council incumbents may be re-elected for consecutive terms. Nominations must be received by 5:00 PM ET on Wednesday, 31 August 2016.

To submit a nomination now, please go to:

To view the initial requirements and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees and/or Advisory Council, please visit the respective page below:

Board of Trustees:

Advisory Council:

All nominees must confirm that they qualify to serve and do not violate the Nomination and Appointment Conflict of Interest List at:

For detailed information on the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council nominations procedures, please visit:

The ARIN Board of Trustees and Advisory Council elections have a Nomination Committee (NomCom) that is responsible for identifying, recruiting, and certifying a properly selected slate of candidates to be placed in nomination before the ARIN membership for election, in accordance with ARIN Bylaws and procedures. This year’s NomCom members are Board of Trustee members Aaron Hughes, NomCom Chair, and Vint Cerf and general member volunteers Charles Gucker, Dmitry Kohmanyuk, Nathan Newman, Aaron Sawchuk, and Carl Williams.

To learn more about the NomCom, please visit:

As a reminder, the voter for each ARIN Member organization must have a confirmed “Voting Contact” Point of Contact (POC) record linked to an ARIN Online account to be eligible to vote in ARIN Elections. ARIN strongly recommends that all member organizations certify their voter eligibility in this year’s elections now and note the voter eligibility deadline is 6 September 2016. To view your organization’s Voting Contact log into your ARIN Online account and follow the steps at:

For questions, or to request additional information or assistance, please email the ARIN Member Services team at [email protected] with your request.


Wendy Leedy
Member Engagement Coordinator
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)


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