Call for Nominations Closes at 5:00 PM EDT on 31 August [Archived]


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Posted: Monday, 29 August 2016

This is the final call for nominations for candidates to fill two seats on the ARIN Board of Trustees, six seats on the Advisory Council, and one seat on the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC). All of the seats are for three-year terms except the newly announced sixth seat on the Advisory Council. With Kevin Blumberg’s recent resignation from the Advisory Council, there is an extra seat now open. The candidate receiving the sixth largest number of votes in the 2016 Advisory Council election will join the Advisory Council to fulfill the one year remaining on Kevin’s term.

Nominations will close promptly at 5:00 PM EDT on Wednesday, 31 August.

To submit a nomination for the ARIN Board of Trustees or Advisory Council, a nominator must be an ARIN Trustee or General Member in Good Standing. Eligible nominators may make up to three nominations for each open seat. Any person may be nominated and self-nominations are permitted, consistent with the election guidelines. ARIN Trustees and Advisory Council incumbents may be re-elected for consecutive terms.

Any individual, regardless of ARIN Member affiliation, may self-nominate or nominate one or more candidates for any open NRO NC position. Nominees for the NRO NC must reside within the ARIN region. Incumbents may be re-elected for consecutive terms.

To submit a nomination now, please go to:

For more information on the nomination process, please visit the ARIN Election System Instructions page at:

For questions, please email [email protected].


Wendy Leedy
Member Engagement Coordinator
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)


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