2017 Call for Nominations: ARIN Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, and NRO Number Council [Archived]
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Posted: Monday, 17 July 2017
Nominations are being accepted now through 5:00 PM ET on Tuesday, 15 August 2017, to fill two seats on the ARIN Board of Trustees and five seats on the Advisory Council, and one seat on the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC). Candidates are expected to serve three-year terms beginning 1 January 2018 and incumbents may be re-elected for consecutive terms.
ARIN Trustees and representatives from ARIN’s General Members in Good Standing are cordially invited to nominate up to three candidates for each open seat on the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council. A nominator may nominate themselves, a representative from an ARIN Member organization, or non-members consistent with the election guidelines.
Any individual, regardless of ARIN Member affiliation, may self-nominate or nominate one or more candidates to fill one seat on the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC). This year the ARIN Board of Trustees will appoint the representative prior to the ARIN Elections opening.
Individuals whose terms will conclude on 31 December are:
- ARIN Board of Trustees - Timothy Denton and Bill Woodcock
- ARIN Board of Trustees Appointment – Merike Kaeo
- Advisory Council - Andrew Dul, David Farmer, Leif Sawyer, Chris Tacit, and Chris Woodfield
- NRO NC member - Kevin Blumberg
To submit a nomination now, please visit:
To view initial requirements and responsibilities of the ARIN Board of Trustees or Advisory Council, or the NRO NC, please visit the respective page below:
Board of Trustees: https://www.arin.net/about_us/bot_requirements.html
Advisory Council: https://www.arin.net/about_us/ac_requirements.html
NRO NC: https://www.arin.net/about_us/nronc_requirements.html
All nominees must confirm that they qualify and are willing to serve if elected and do not violate the Nomination and Appointment Conflict of Interest List found at:
For detailed information on the ARIN Board of Trustees and Advisory Council nominations procedures, please visit:
The ARIN Board of Trustees and Advisory Council elections have a Nomination Committee (NomCom) that is responsible for identifying, recruiting, and certifying a properly selected slate of candidates to be placed in nomination before the ARIN Membership for election, in accordance with ARIN Bylaws and procedures. This year’s NomCom members are Board of Trustees Bill Sandiford, NomCom Chair and Patrick Gilmore, Advisory Council and general member volunteers David Huberman and Tina Morris, and general member volunteers Dmitry Kohmanyuk, Orin Roberts, and Heather Schiller.
To learn more about ARIN’s NomCom, please visit:
As a reminder, the Voting Contact for each ARIN Member organization must have an ARIN Online account by Sunday, 20 August 2017, the published voter eligibility deadline to be eligible to vote in the 2017 ARIN Elections 5-13 October. ARIN Member organizations are strongly encouraged to certify their voter eligibility now. An Admin or Tech Point of Contact (POC), or current Voting Contact of an ARIN Member organization can view Voting Contact information by going to the Organization Identifiers page and selecting the appropriate Organization Handle in ARIN Online. For step-by-step instructions, please visit:
For questions, or to request additional information or assistance, please email the ARIN Member Services team at [email protected] with your request.
Wendy Leedy
Member Engagement Coordinator
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
E: [email protected]
T: 703.227.9840, ext. 834
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.